2024-12-28 10:30:04 +00:00
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import folder_paths
import glob
from aiohttp import web
class CustomNodeManager :
Placeholder to refactor the custom node management features from ComfyUI - Manager .
Currently it only contains the custom workflow templates feature .
def add_routes ( self , routes , webapp , loadedModules ) :
@routes.get ( " /workflow_templates " )
async def get_workflow_templates ( request ) :
""" Returns a web response that contains the map of custom_nodes names and their associated workflow templates. The ones without templates are omitted. """
files = [
for folder in folder_paths . get_folder_paths ( " custom_nodes " )
for file in glob . glob ( os . path . join ( folder , ' */example_workflows/*.json ' ) )
workflow_templates_dict = { } # custom_nodes folder name -> example workflow names
for file in files :
custom_nodes_name = os . path . basename ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . dirname ( file ) ) )
workflow_name = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( file ) ) [ 0 ]
workflow_templates_dict . setdefault ( custom_nodes_name , [ ] ) . append ( workflow_name )
return web . json_response ( workflow_templates_dict )
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# Serve workflow templates from custom nodes.
for module_name , module_dir in loadedModules :
workflows_dir = os . path . join ( module_dir , ' example_workflows ' )
if os . path . exists ( workflows_dir ) :
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webapp . add_routes ( [ web . static ( ' /api/workflow_templates/ ' + module_name , workflows_dir ) ] )