Update web content to release v1.4.13 (#5807)

This commit is contained in:
Chenlei Hu 2024-11-28 01:59:06 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 20879c78f9
commit 53646e0f32
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
52 changed files with 68960 additions and 19894 deletions

web/assets/ExtensionPanel-CfMfcLgI.js generated vendored
View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, c6 as useExtensionStore, u as useSettingStore, r as ref, o as onMounted, q as computed, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, i as createVNode, y as withCtx, z as unref, bT as script$1, A as createBaseVNode, x as createBlock, N as Fragment, O as renderList, a6 as toDisplayString, aw as createTextVNode, bR as script$3, j as createCommentVNode, D as script$4 } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { s as script, a as script$2 } from "./index-CjwCGacA.js";
import "./index-MX9DEi8Q.js";
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "extension-panel" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "mt-4" };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ExtensionPanel",
setup(__props) {
const extensionStore = useExtensionStore();
const settingStore = useSettingStore();
const editingEnabledExtensions = ref({});
onMounted(() => {
extensionStore.extensions.forEach((ext) => {
editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] = extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name);
const changedExtensions = computed(() => {
return extensionStore.extensions.filter(
(ext) => editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] !== extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name)
const hasChanges = computed(() => {
return changedExtensions.value.length > 0;
const updateExtensionStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
const editingDisabledExtensionNames = Object.entries(
).filter(([_, enabled]) => !enabled).map(([name]) => name);
settingStore.set("Comfy.Extension.Disabled", [
}, "updateExtensionStatus");
const applyChanges = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
}, "applyChanges");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
value: unref(extensionStore).extensions,
stripedRows: "",
size: "small"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script), {
field: "name",
header: _ctx.$t("extensionName"),
sortable: ""
}, null, 8, ["header"]),
createVNode(unref(script), { pt: {
bodyCell: "flex items-center justify-end"
} }, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
modelValue: editingEnabledExtensions.value[slotProps.data.name],
"onUpdate:modelValue": /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => editingEnabledExtensions.value[slotProps.data.name] = $event, "onUpdate:modelValue"),
onChange: updateExtensionStatus
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "onUpdate:modelValue"])
_: 1
_: 1
}, 8, ["value"]),
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [
hasChanges.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script$3), {
key: 0,
severity: "info"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("ul", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(changedExtensions.value, (ext) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: ext.name
}, [
createBaseVNode("span", null, toDisplayString(unref(extensionStore).isExtensionEnabled(ext.name) ? "[-]" : "[+]"), 1),
createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(ext.name), 1)
}), 128))
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(unref(script$4), {
label: _ctx.$t("reloadToApplyChanges"),
icon: "pi pi-refresh",
onClick: applyChanges,
disabled: !hasChanges.value,
text: "",
fluid: "",
severity: "danger"
}, null, 8, ["label", "disabled"])
export {
_sfc_main as default
//# sourceMappingURL=ExtensionPanel-CfMfcLgI.js.map

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"version":3,"file":"ExtensionPanel-CfMfcLgI.js","sources":["../../src/components/dialog/content/setting/ExtensionPanel.vue"],"sourcesContent":["<template>\n <div class=\"extension-panel\">\n <DataTable :value=\"extensionStore.extensions\" stripedRows size=\"small\">\n <Column field=\"name\" :header=\"$t('extensionName')\" sortable></Column>\n <Column\n :pt=\"{\n bodyCell: 'flex items-center justify-end'\n }\"\n >\n <template #body=\"slotProps\">\n <ToggleSwitch\n v-model=\"editingEnabledExtensions[slotProps.data.name]\"\n @change=\"updateExtensionStatus\"\n />\n </template>\n </Column>\n </DataTable>\n <div class=\"mt-4\">\n <Message v-if=\"hasChanges\" severity=\"info\">\n <ul>\n <li v-for=\"ext in changedExtensions\" :key=\"ext.name\">\n <span>\n {{ extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name) ? '[-]' : '[+]' }}\n </span>\n {{ ext.name }}\n </li>\n </ul>\n </Message>\n <Button\n :label=\"$t('reloadToApplyChanges')\"\n icon=\"pi pi-refresh\"\n @click=\"applyChanges\"\n :disabled=\"!hasChanges\"\n text\n fluid\n severity=\"danger\"\n />\n </div>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\">\nimport { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue'\nimport { useExtensionStore } from '@/stores/extensionStore'\nimport { useSettingStore } from '@/stores/settingStore'\nimport DataTable from 'primevue/datatable'\nimport Column from 'primevue/column'\nimport ToggleSwitch from 'primevue/toggleswitch'\nimport Button from 'primevue/button'\nimport Message from 'primevue/message'\n\nconst extensionStore = useExtensionStore()\nconst settingStore = useSettingStore()\n\nconst editingEnabledExtensions = ref<Record<string, boolean>>({})\n\nonMounted(() => {\n extensionStore.extensions.forEach((ext) => {\n editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] =\n extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name)\n })\n})\n\nconst changedExtensions = computed(() => {\n return extensionStore.extensions.filter(\n (ext) =>\n editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] !==\n extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name)\n )\n})\n\nconst hasChanges = computed(() => {\n return changedExtensions.value.length > 0\n})\n\nconst updateExtensionStatus = () => {\n const editingDisabledExtensionNames = Object.entries(\n editingEnabledExtensions.value\n )\n .filter(([_, enabled]) => !enabled)\n .map(([name]) => name)\n\n settingStore.set('Comfy.Extension.Disabled', [\n ...extensionStore.inactiveDisabledExtensionNames,\n ...editingDisabledExtensionNames\n ])\n}\n\nconst applyChanges = () => {\n // Refresh the page to apply changes\n window.location.reload()\n}\n</script>\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;AAmDA,UAAM,iBAAiB;AACvB,UAAM,eAAe;AAEf,UAAA,2BAA2B,IAA6B,CAAA,CAAE;AAEhE,cAAU,MAAM;AACC,qBAAA,WAAW,QAAQ,CAAC,QAAQ;AACzC,iCAAyB,MAAM,IAAI,IAAI,IACrC,eAAe,mBAAmB,IAAI,IAAI;AAAA,MAAA,CAC7C;AAAA,IAAA,CACF;AAEK,UAAA,oBAAoB,SAAS,MAAM;AACvC,aAAO,eAAe,WAAW;AAAA,QAC/B,CAAC,QACC,yBAAyB,MAAM,IAAI,IAAI,MACvC,eAAe,mBAAmB,IAAI,IAAI;AAAA,MAAA;AAAA,IAC9C,CACD;AAEK,UAAA,aAAa,SAAS,MAAM;AACzB,aAAA,kBAAkB,MAAM,SAAS;AAAA,IAAA,CACzC;AAED,UAAM,wBAAwB,6BAAM;AAClC,YAAM,gCAAgC,OAAO;AAAA,QAC3C,yBAAyB;AAAA,MAExB,EAAA,OAAO,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,OAAO,MAAM,CAAC,OAAO,EACjC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,MAAM,IAAI;AAEvB,mBAAa,IAAI,4BAA4B;AAAA,QAC3C,GAAG,eAAe;AAAA,QAClB,GAAG;AAAA,MAAA,CACJ;AAAA,IAAA,GAV2B;AAa9B,UAAM,eAAe,6BAAM;AAEzB,aAAO,SAAS;IAAO,GAFJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"}

web/assets/ExtensionPanel-DsD42OtO.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, r as ref, c6 as FilterMatchMode, ca as useExtensionStore, u as useSettingStore, o as onMounted, q as computed, g as openBlock, x as createBlock, y as withCtx, i as createVNode, c7 as SearchBox, z as unref, bT as script, A as createBaseVNode, h as createElementBlock, O as renderList, a6 as toDisplayString, aw as createTextVNode, N as Fragment, D as script$1, j as createCommentVNode, bV as script$3, c8 as _sfc_main$1 } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
import { s as script$2, a as script$4 } from "./index-DK6Kev7f.js";
import "./index-D4DWQPPQ.js";
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "flex justify-end" };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ExtensionPanel",
setup(__props) {
const filters = ref({
global: { value: "", matchMode: FilterMatchMode.CONTAINS }
const extensionStore = useExtensionStore();
const settingStore = useSettingStore();
const editingEnabledExtensions = ref({});
onMounted(() => {
extensionStore.extensions.forEach((ext) => {
editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] = extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name);
const changedExtensions = computed(() => {
return extensionStore.extensions.filter(
(ext) => editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] !== extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name)
const hasChanges = computed(() => {
return changedExtensions.value.length > 0;
const updateExtensionStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
const editingDisabledExtensionNames = Object.entries(
).filter(([_, enabled]) => !enabled).map(([name]) => name);
settingStore.set("Comfy.Extension.Disabled", [
}, "updateExtensionStatus");
const applyChanges = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
}, "applyChanges");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1, {
value: "Extension",
class: "extension-panel"
}, {
header: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(SearchBox, {
modelValue: filters.value["global"].value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => filters.value["global"].value = $event),
placeholder: _ctx.$t("searchExtensions") + "..."
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"]),
hasChanges.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script), {
key: 0,
severity: "info",
"pt:text": "w-full"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("ul", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(changedExtensions.value, (ext) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: ext.name
}, [
createBaseVNode("span", null, toDisplayString(unref(extensionStore).isExtensionEnabled(ext.name) ? "[-]" : "[+]"), 1),
createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(ext.name), 1)
}), 128))
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
label: _ctx.$t("reloadToApplyChanges"),
onClick: applyChanges,
outlined: "",
severity: "danger"
}, null, 8, ["label"])
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$4), {
value: unref(extensionStore).extensions,
stripedRows: "",
size: "small",
filters: filters.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
field: "name",
header: _ctx.$t("extensionName"),
sortable: ""
}, null, 8, ["header"]),
createVNode(unref(script$2), { pt: {
bodyCell: "flex items-center justify-end"
} }, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
createVNode(unref(script$3), {
modelValue: editingEnabledExtensions.value[slotProps.data.name],
"onUpdate:modelValue": /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => editingEnabledExtensions.value[slotProps.data.name] = $event, "onUpdate:modelValue"),
onChange: updateExtensionStatus
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "onUpdate:modelValue"])
_: 1
_: 1
}, 8, ["value", "filters"])
_: 1
export {
_sfc_main as default
//# sourceMappingURL=ExtensionPanel-DsD42OtO.js.map

web/assets/ExtensionPanel-DsD42OtO.js.map generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"ExtensionPanel-DsD42OtO.js","sources":["../../src/components/dialog/content/setting/ExtensionPanel.vue"],"sourcesContent":["<template>\n <PanelTemplate value=\"Extension\" class=\"extension-panel\">\n <template #header>\n <SearchBox\n v-model=\"filters['global'].value\"\n :placeholder=\"$t('searchExtensions') + '...'\"\n />\n <Message v-if=\"hasChanges\" severity=\"info\" pt:text=\"w-full\">\n <ul>\n <li v-for=\"ext in changedExtensions\" :key=\"ext.name\">\n <span>\n {{ extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name) ? '[-]' : '[+]' }}\n </span>\n {{ ext.name }}\n </li>\n </ul>\n <div class=\"flex justify-end\">\n <Button\n :label=\"$t('reloadToApplyChanges')\"\n @click=\"applyChanges\"\n outlined\n severity=\"danger\"\n />\n </div>\n </Message>\n </template>\n <DataTable\n :value=\"extensionStore.extensions\"\n stripedRows\n size=\"small\"\n :filters=\"filters\"\n >\n <Column field=\"name\" :header=\"$t('extensionName')\" sortable></Column>\n <Column\n :pt=\"{\n bodyCell: 'flex items-center justify-end'\n }\"\n >\n <template #body=\"slotProps\">\n <ToggleSwitch\n v-model=\"editingEnabledExtensions[slotProps.data.name]\"\n @change=\"updateExtensionStatus\"\n />\n </template>\n </Column>\n </DataTable>\n </PanelTemplate>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\">\nimport { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue'\nimport { useExtensionStore } from '@/stores/extensionStore'\nimport { useSettingStore } from '@/stores/settingStore'\nimport DataTable from 'primevue/datatable'\nimport Column from 'primevue/column'\nimport ToggleSwitch from 'primevue/toggleswitch'\nimport Button from 'primevue/button'\nimport Message from 'primevue/message'\nimport { FilterMatchMode } from '@primevue/core/api'\nimport PanelTemplate from './PanelTemplate.vue'\nimport SearchBox from '@/components/common/SearchBox.vue'\n\nconst filters = ref({\n global: { value: '', matchMode: FilterMatchMode.CONTAINS }\n})\n\nconst extensionStore = useExtensionStore()\nconst settingStore = useSettingStore()\n\nconst editingEnabledExtensions = ref<Record<string, boolean>>({})\n\nonMounted(() => {\n extensionStore.extensions.forEach((ext) => {\n editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] =\n extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name)\n })\n})\n\nconst changedExtensions = computed(() => {\n return extensionStore.extensions.filter(\n (ext) =>\n editingEnabledExtensions.value[ext.name] !==\n extensionStore.isExtensionEnabled(ext.name)\n )\n})\n\nconst hasChanges = computed(() => {\n return changedExtensions.value.length > 0\n})\n\nconst updateExtensionStatus = () => {\n const editingDisabledExtensionNames = Object.entries(\n editingEnabledExtensions.value\n )\n .filter(([_, enabled]) => !enabled)\n .map(([name]) => name)\n\n settingStore.set('Comfy.Extension.Disabled', [\n ...extensionStore.inactiveDisabledExtensionNames,\n ...editingDisabledExtensionNames\n ])\n}\n\nconst applyChanges = () => {\n // Refresh the page to apply changes\n window.location.reload()\n}\n</script>\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;AA8DA,UAAM,UAAU,IAAI;AAAA,MAClB,QAAQ,EAAE,OAAO,IAAI,WAAW,gBAAgB,SAAS;AAAA,IAAA,CAC1D;AAED,UAAM,iBAAiB;AACvB,UAAM,eAAe;AAEf,UAAA,2BAA2B,IAA6B,CAAA,CAAE;AAEhE,cAAU,MAAM;AACC,qBAAA,WAAW,QAAQ,CAAC,QAAQ;AACzC,iCAAyB,MAAM,IAAI,IAAI,IACrC,eAAe,mBAAmB,IAAI,IAAI;AAAA,MAAA,CAC7C;AAAA,IAAA,CACF;AAEK,UAAA,oBAAoB,SAAS,MAAM;AACvC,aAAO,eAAe,WAAW;AAAA,QAC/B,CAAC,QACC,yBAAyB,MAAM,IAAI,IAAI,MACvC,eAAe,mBAAmB,IAAI,IAAI;AAAA,MAAA;AAAA,IAC9C,CACD;AAEK,UAAA,aAAa,SAAS,MAAM;AACzB,aAAA,kBAAkB,MAAM,SAAS;AAAA,IAAA,CACzC;AAED,UAAM,wBAAwB,6BAAM;AAClC,YAAM,gCAAgC,OAAO;AAAA,QAC3C,yBAAyB;AAAA,MAExB,EAAA,OAAO,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,OAAO,MAAM,CAAC,OAAO,EACjC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,MAAM,IAAI;AAEvB,mBAAa,IAAI,4BAA4B;AAAA,QAC3C,GAAG,eAAe;AAAA,QAClB,GAAG;AAAA,MAAA,CACJ;AAAA,IAAA,GAV2B;AAa9B,UAAM,eAAe,6BAAM;AAEzB,aAAO,SAAS;IAAO,GAFJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"}

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/GraphView-BW5soyxY.js.map generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -106,32 +106,6 @@
margin: -0.125rem 0.125rem;
.comfy-vue-node-search-container[data-v-2d409367] {
display: flex;
width: 100%;
min-width: 26rem;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.comfy-vue-node-search-container[data-v-2d409367] * {
pointer-events: auto;
.comfy-vue-node-preview-container[data-v-2d409367] {
position: absolute;
left: -350px;
top: 50px;
.comfy-vue-node-search-box[data-v-2d409367] {
z-index: 10;
flex-grow: 1;
._filter-button[data-v-2d409367] {
z-index: 10;
._dialog[data-v-2d409367] {
min-width: 26rem;
.invisible-dialog-root {
width: 60%;
min-width: 24rem;
@ -184,10 +158,10 @@
z-index: 9999;
[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton::before {
[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton::before {
display: none
[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton {
[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton {
position: relative;
flex-shrink: 0;
border-radius: 0px;
@ -195,14 +169,14 @@
padding-left: 0.5rem;
padding-right: 0.5rem
[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton.p-togglebutton-checked {
[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton.p-togglebutton-checked {
border-bottom-width: 2px;
border-bottom-color: var(--p-button-text-primary-color)
[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton-checked .close-button,[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton:hover .close-button {
[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton-checked .close-button,[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton:hover .close-button {
visibility: visible
.status-indicator[data-v-9eb975c3] {
.status-indicator[data-v-783f8efe] {
position: absolute;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 1.5rem;
@ -210,10 +184,10 @@
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton:hover .status-indicator {
[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton:hover .status-indicator {
display: none
[data-v-9eb975c3] .p-togglebutton .close-button {
[data-v-783f8efe] .p-togglebutton .close-button {
visibility: hidden
@ -241,26 +215,26 @@
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.actionbar[data-v-eb6e9acf] {
.actionbar[data-v-542a7001] {
pointer-events: all;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1000;
.actionbar.is-docked[data-v-eb6e9acf] {
.actionbar.is-docked[data-v-542a7001] {
position: static;
border-style: none;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0px;
.actionbar.is-dragging[data-v-eb6e9acf] {
.actionbar.is-dragging[data-v-542a7001] {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
[data-v-eb6e9acf] .p-panel-content {
[data-v-542a7001] .p-panel-content {
padding: 0.25rem;
[data-v-eb6e9acf] .p-panel-header {
[data-v-542a7001] .p-panel-header {
display: none;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/InstallView-C6UIhIu4.js.map generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/KeybindingPanel-C-7KE-Kw.css generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[data-v-9d7e362e] .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td {
padding: 0.25rem;
min-height: 2rem
[data-v-9d7e362e] .p-datatable-row-selected .actions,[data-v-9d7e362e] .p-datatable-selectable-row:hover .actions {
visibility: visible

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
[data-v-2d8b3a76] .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td {
padding: 0.25rem;
min-height: 2rem
[data-v-2d8b3a76] .p-datatable-row-selected .actions,[data-v-2d8b3a76] .p-datatable-selectable-row:hover .actions {
visibility: visible

View File

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, q as computed, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, N as Fragment, O as renderList, i as createVNode, y as withCtx, aw as createTextVNode, a6 as toDisplayString, z as unref, aA as script, j as createCommentVNode, r as ref, c3 as FilterMatchMode, M as useKeybindingStore, F as useCommandStore, aJ as watchEffect, be as useToast, t as resolveDirective, c4 as SearchBox, A as createBaseVNode, D as script$2, x as createBlock, ao as script$4, bi as withModifiers, bR as script$5, aH as script$6, v as withDirectives, P as pushScopeId, Q as popScopeId, b$ as KeyComboImpl, c5 as KeybindingImpl, _ as _export_sfc } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { s as script$1, a as script$3 } from "./index-CjwCGacA.js";
import "./index-MX9DEi8Q.js";
const _hoisted_1$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "px-2"
const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "KeyComboDisplay",
props: {
keyCombo: {},
isModified: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const keySequences = computed(() => props.keyCombo.getKeySequences());
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(keySequences.value, (sequence, index) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: index }, [
createVNode(unref(script), {
severity: _ctx.isModified ? "info" : "secondary"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(sequence), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["severity"]),
index < keySequences.value.length - 1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$1, "+")) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
const _withScopeId = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-2d8b3a76"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n), "_withScopeId");
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "keybinding-panel" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "actions invisible flex flex-row" };
const _hoisted_3 = ["title"];
const _hoisted_4 = { key: 1 };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "KeybindingPanel",
setup(__props) {
const filters = ref({
global: { value: "", matchMode: FilterMatchMode.CONTAINS }
const keybindingStore = useKeybindingStore();
const commandStore = useCommandStore();
const commandsData = computed(() => {
return Object.values(commandStore.commands).map((command) => ({
id: command.id,
keybinding: keybindingStore.getKeybindingByCommandId(command.id)
const selectedCommandData = ref(null);
const editDialogVisible = ref(false);
const newBindingKeyCombo = ref(null);
const currentEditingCommand = ref(null);
const keybindingInput = ref(null);
const existingKeybindingOnCombo = computed(() => {
if (!currentEditingCommand.value) {
return null;
if (currentEditingCommand.value.keybinding?.combo?.equals(
)) {
return null;
if (!newBindingKeyCombo.value) {
return null;
return keybindingStore.getKeybinding(newBindingKeyCombo.value);
function editKeybinding(commandData) {
currentEditingCommand.value = commandData;
newBindingKeyCombo.value = commandData.keybinding ? commandData.keybinding.combo : null;
editDialogVisible.value = true;
__name(editKeybinding, "editKeybinding");
watchEffect(() => {
if (editDialogVisible.value) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
function removeKeybinding(commandData) {
if (commandData.keybinding) {
__name(removeKeybinding, "removeKeybinding");
function captureKeybinding(event) {
const keyCombo = KeyComboImpl.fromEvent(event);
newBindingKeyCombo.value = keyCombo;
__name(captureKeybinding, "captureKeybinding");
function cancelEdit() {
editDialogVisible.value = false;
currentEditingCommand.value = null;
newBindingKeyCombo.value = null;
__name(cancelEdit, "cancelEdit");
function saveKeybinding() {
if (currentEditingCommand.value && newBindingKeyCombo.value) {
const updated = keybindingStore.updateKeybindingOnCommand(
new KeybindingImpl({
commandId: currentEditingCommand.value.id,
combo: newBindingKeyCombo.value
if (updated) {
__name(saveKeybinding, "saveKeybinding");
const toast = useToast();
async function resetKeybindings() {
await keybindingStore.persistUserKeybindings();
severity: "info",
summary: "Info",
detail: "Keybindings reset",
life: 3e3
__name(resetKeybindings, "resetKeybindings");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [
createVNode(unref(script$3), {
value: commandsData.value,
selection: selectedCommandData.value,
"onUpdate:selection": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => selectedCommandData.value = $event),
"global-filter-fields": ["id"],
filters: filters.value,
selectionMode: "single",
stripedRows: "",
pt: {
header: "px-0"
}, {
header: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(SearchBox, {
modelValue: filters.value["global"].value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => filters.value["global"].value = $event),
placeholder: _ctx.$t("searchKeybindings") + "..."
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
field: "actions",
header: ""
}, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
icon: "pi pi-pencil",
class: "p-button-text",
onClick: /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => editKeybinding(slotProps.data), "onClick")
}, null, 8, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
icon: "pi pi-trash",
class: "p-button-text p-button-danger",
onClick: /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => removeKeybinding(slotProps.data), "onClick"),
disabled: !slotProps.data.keybinding
}, null, 8, ["onClick", "disabled"])
_: 1
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
field: "id",
header: "Command ID",
sortable: "",
class: "max-w-64 2xl:max-w-full"
}, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap",
title: slotProps.data.id
}, toDisplayString(slotProps.data.id), 9, _hoisted_3)
_: 1
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
field: "keybinding",
header: "Keybinding"
}, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
slotProps.data.keybinding ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1, {
key: 0,
keyCombo: slotProps.data.keybinding.combo,
isModified: unref(keybindingStore).isCommandKeybindingModified(slotProps.data.id)
}, null, 8, ["keyCombo", "isModified"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4, "-"))
_: 1
_: 1
}, 8, ["value", "selection", "filters"]),
createVNode(unref(script$6), {
class: "min-w-96",
visible: editDialogVisible.value,
"onUpdate:visible": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => editDialogVisible.value = $event),
modal: "",
header: currentEditingCommand.value?.id,
onHide: cancelEdit
}, {
footer: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
label: "Save",
icon: "pi pi-check",
onClick: saveKeybinding,
disabled: !!existingKeybindingOnCombo.value,
autofocus: ""
}, null, 8, ["disabled"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", null, [
createVNode(unref(script$4), {
class: "mb-2 text-center",
ref_key: "keybindingInput",
ref: keybindingInput,
modelValue: newBindingKeyCombo.value?.toString() ?? "",
placeholder: "Press keys for new binding",
onKeydown: withModifiers(captureKeybinding, ["stop", "prevent"]),
autocomplete: "off",
fluid: "",
invalid: !!existingKeybindingOnCombo.value
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "invalid"]),
existingKeybindingOnCombo.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script$5), {
key: 0,
severity: "error"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Keybinding already exists on "),
createVNode(unref(script), {
severity: "secondary",
value: existingKeybindingOnCombo.value.commandId
}, null, 8, ["value"])
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
}, 8, ["visible", "header"]),
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(script$2), {
class: "mt-4",
label: _ctx.$t("reset"),
icon: "pi pi-trash",
severity: "danger",
fluid: "",
text: "",
onClick: resetKeybindings
}, null, 8, ["label"]), [
[_directive_tooltip, _ctx.$t("resetKeybindingsTooltip")]
const KeybindingPanel = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-2d8b3a76"]]);
export {
KeybindingPanel as default
//# sourceMappingURL=KeybindingPanel-DcEfyPZZ.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/KeybindingPanel-lcJrxHwZ.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, q as computed, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, N as Fragment, O as renderList, i as createVNode, y as withCtx, aw as createTextVNode, a6 as toDisplayString, z as unref, aA as script, j as createCommentVNode, r as ref, c6 as FilterMatchMode, M as useKeybindingStore, F as useCommandStore, aJ as watchEffect, bg as useToast, t as resolveDirective, x as createBlock, c7 as SearchBox, A as createBaseVNode, D as script$2, ao as script$4, bk as withModifiers, bT as script$5, aH as script$6, v as withDirectives, c8 as _sfc_main$2, P as pushScopeId, Q as popScopeId, c1 as KeyComboImpl, c9 as KeybindingImpl, _ as _export_sfc } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
import { s as script$1, a as script$3 } from "./index-DK6Kev7f.js";
import "./index-D4DWQPPQ.js";
const _hoisted_1$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "px-2"
const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "KeyComboDisplay",
props: {
keyCombo: {},
isModified: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const keySequences = computed(() => props.keyCombo.getKeySequences());
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(keySequences.value, (sequence, index) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: index }, [
createVNode(unref(script), {
severity: _ctx.isModified ? "info" : "secondary"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(sequence), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["severity"]),
index < keySequences.value.length - 1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$1, "+")) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
const _withScopeId = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-9d7e362e"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n), "_withScopeId");
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "actions invisible flex flex-row" };
const _hoisted_2 = ["title"];
const _hoisted_3 = { key: 1 };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "KeybindingPanel",
setup(__props) {
const filters = ref({
global: { value: "", matchMode: FilterMatchMode.CONTAINS }
const keybindingStore = useKeybindingStore();
const commandStore = useCommandStore();
const commandsData = computed(() => {
return Object.values(commandStore.commands).map((command) => ({
id: command.id,
keybinding: keybindingStore.getKeybindingByCommandId(command.id)
const selectedCommandData = ref(null);
const editDialogVisible = ref(false);
const newBindingKeyCombo = ref(null);
const currentEditingCommand = ref(null);
const keybindingInput = ref(null);
const existingKeybindingOnCombo = computed(() => {
if (!currentEditingCommand.value) {
return null;
if (currentEditingCommand.value.keybinding?.combo?.equals(
)) {
return null;
if (!newBindingKeyCombo.value) {
return null;
return keybindingStore.getKeybinding(newBindingKeyCombo.value);
function editKeybinding(commandData) {
currentEditingCommand.value = commandData;
newBindingKeyCombo.value = commandData.keybinding ? commandData.keybinding.combo : null;
editDialogVisible.value = true;
__name(editKeybinding, "editKeybinding");
watchEffect(() => {
if (editDialogVisible.value) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
function removeKeybinding(commandData) {
if (commandData.keybinding) {
__name(removeKeybinding, "removeKeybinding");
function captureKeybinding(event) {
const keyCombo = KeyComboImpl.fromEvent(event);
newBindingKeyCombo.value = keyCombo;
__name(captureKeybinding, "captureKeybinding");
function cancelEdit() {
editDialogVisible.value = false;
currentEditingCommand.value = null;
newBindingKeyCombo.value = null;
__name(cancelEdit, "cancelEdit");
function saveKeybinding() {
if (currentEditingCommand.value && newBindingKeyCombo.value) {
const updated = keybindingStore.updateKeybindingOnCommand(
new KeybindingImpl({
commandId: currentEditingCommand.value.id,
combo: newBindingKeyCombo.value
if (updated) {
__name(saveKeybinding, "saveKeybinding");
const toast = useToast();
async function resetKeybindings() {
await keybindingStore.persistUserKeybindings();
severity: "info",
summary: "Info",
detail: "Keybindings reset",
life: 3e3
__name(resetKeybindings, "resetKeybindings");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$2, {
value: "Keybinding",
class: "keybinding-panel"
}, {
header: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(SearchBox, {
modelValue: filters.value["global"].value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => filters.value["global"].value = $event),
placeholder: _ctx.$t("searchKeybindings") + "..."
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$3), {
value: commandsData.value,
selection: selectedCommandData.value,
"onUpdate:selection": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => selectedCommandData.value = $event),
"global-filter-fields": ["id"],
filters: filters.value,
selectionMode: "single",
stripedRows: "",
pt: {
header: "px-0"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
field: "actions",
header: ""
}, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
icon: "pi pi-pencil",
class: "p-button-text",
onClick: /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => editKeybinding(slotProps.data), "onClick")
}, null, 8, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
icon: "pi pi-trash",
class: "p-button-text p-button-danger",
onClick: /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => removeKeybinding(slotProps.data), "onClick"),
disabled: !slotProps.data.keybinding
}, null, 8, ["onClick", "disabled"])
_: 1
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
field: "id",
header: "Command ID",
sortable: "",
class: "max-w-64 2xl:max-w-full"
}, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap",
title: slotProps.data.id
}, toDisplayString(slotProps.data.id), 9, _hoisted_2)
_: 1
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
field: "keybinding",
header: "Keybinding"
}, {
body: withCtx((slotProps) => [
slotProps.data.keybinding ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1, {
key: 0,
keyCombo: slotProps.data.keybinding.combo,
isModified: unref(keybindingStore).isCommandKeybindingModified(slotProps.data.id)
}, null, 8, ["keyCombo", "isModified"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3, "-"))
_: 1
_: 1
}, 8, ["value", "selection", "filters"]),
createVNode(unref(script$6), {
class: "min-w-96",
visible: editDialogVisible.value,
"onUpdate:visible": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => editDialogVisible.value = $event),
modal: "",
header: currentEditingCommand.value?.id,
onHide: cancelEdit
}, {
footer: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(script$2), {
label: "Save",
icon: "pi pi-check",
onClick: saveKeybinding,
disabled: !!existingKeybindingOnCombo.value,
autofocus: ""
}, null, 8, ["disabled"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", null, [
createVNode(unref(script$4), {
class: "mb-2 text-center",
ref_key: "keybindingInput",
ref: keybindingInput,
modelValue: newBindingKeyCombo.value?.toString() ?? "",
placeholder: "Press keys for new binding",
onKeydown: withModifiers(captureKeybinding, ["stop", "prevent"]),
autocomplete: "off",
fluid: "",
invalid: !!existingKeybindingOnCombo.value
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "invalid"]),
existingKeybindingOnCombo.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script$5), {
key: 0,
severity: "error"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Keybinding already exists on "),
createVNode(unref(script), {
severity: "secondary",
value: existingKeybindingOnCombo.value.commandId
}, null, 8, ["value"])
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
}, 8, ["visible", "header"]),
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(script$2), {
class: "mt-4",
label: _ctx.$t("reset"),
icon: "pi pi-trash",
severity: "danger",
fluid: "",
text: "",
onClick: resetKeybindings
}, null, 8, ["label"]), [
[_directive_tooltip, _ctx.$t("resetKeybindingsTooltip")]
_: 1
const KeybindingPanel = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9d7e362e"]]);
export {
KeybindingPanel as default
//# sourceMappingURL=KeybindingPanel-lcJrxHwZ.js.map

web/assets/KeybindingPanel-lcJrxHwZ.js.map generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/ServerConfigPanel-x68ubY-c.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { A as createBaseVNode, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, aU as markRaw, d as defineComponent, u as useSettingStore, bw as storeToRefs, w as watch, cy as useCopyToClipboard, x as createBlock, y as withCtx, z as unref, bT as script, a6 as toDisplayString, O as renderList, N as Fragment, i as createVNode, D as script$1, j as createCommentVNode, bI as script$2, cz as formatCamelCase, cA as FormItem, c8 as _sfc_main$1, bN as electronAPI } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
import { u as useServerConfigStore } from "./serverConfigStore-cctR8PGG.js";
const _hoisted_1$1 = {
viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
width: "1.2em",
height: "1.2em"
const _hoisted_2$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("path", {
fill: "none",
stroke: "currentColor",
"stroke-linecap": "round",
"stroke-linejoin": "round",
"stroke-width": "2",
d: "m4 17l6-6l-6-6m8 14h8"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_3$1 = [
function render(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1$1, [..._hoisted_3$1]);
__name(render, "render");
const __unplugin_components_0 = markRaw({ name: "lucide-terminal", render });
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "flex flex-col gap-2" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "flex justify-end gap-2" };
const _hoisted_3 = { class: "flex items-center justify-between" };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ServerConfigPanel",
setup(__props) {
const settingStore = useSettingStore();
const serverConfigStore = useServerConfigStore();
const {
} = storeToRefs(serverConfigStore);
const revertChanges = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
}, "revertChanges");
const restartApp = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
}, "restartApp");
watch(launchArgs, (newVal) => {
settingStore.set("Comfy.Server.LaunchArgs", newVal);
watch(serverConfigValues, (newVal) => {
settingStore.set("Comfy.Server.ServerConfigValues", newVal);
const { copyToClipboard } = useCopyToClipboard();
const copyCommandLineArgs = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async () => {
await copyToClipboard(commandLineArgs.value);
}, "copyCommandLineArgs");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_i_lucide58terminal = __unplugin_components_0;
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1, {
value: "Server-Config",
class: "server-config-panel"
}, {
header: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [
unref(modifiedConfigs).length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script), {
key: 0,
severity: "info",
"pt:text": "w-full"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("p", null, toDisplayString(_ctx.$t("serverConfig.modifiedConfigs")), 1),
createBaseVNode("ul", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(modifiedConfigs), (config) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: config.id
}, toDisplayString(config.name) + ": " + toDisplayString(config.initialValue) + " → " + toDisplayString(config.value), 1);
}), 128))
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
label: _ctx.$t("serverConfig.revertChanges"),
onClick: revertChanges,
outlined: ""
}, null, 8, ["label"]),
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
label: _ctx.$t("serverConfig.restart"),
onClick: restartApp,
outlined: "",
severity: "danger"
}, null, 8, ["label"])
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true),
unref(commandLineArgs) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script), {
key: 1,
severity: "secondary",
"pt:text": "w-full"
}, {
icon: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_component_i_lucide58terminal, { class: "text-xl font-bold" })
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3, [
createBaseVNode("p", null, toDisplayString(unref(commandLineArgs)), 1),
createVNode(unref(script$1), {
icon: "pi pi-clipboard",
onClick: copyCommandLineArgs,
severity: "secondary",
text: ""
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
default: withCtx(() => [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(Object.entries(unref(serverConfigsByCategory)), ([label, items], i) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { key: label }, [
i > 0 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(script$2), { key: 0 })) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createBaseVNode("h3", null, toDisplayString(unref(formatCamelCase)(label)), 1),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(items, (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: item.name,
class: "flex items-center mb-4"
}, [
createVNode(FormItem, {
formValue: item.value,
"onUpdate:formValue": /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($event) => item.value = $event, "onUpdate:formValue"),
id: item.id,
labelClass: {
"text-highlight": item.initialValue !== item.value
}, null, 8, ["item", "formValue", "onUpdate:formValue", "id", "labelClass"])
}), 128))
}), 128))
_: 1
export {
_sfc_main as default
//# sourceMappingURL=ServerConfigPanel-x68ubY-c.js.map

web/assets/ServerConfigPanel-x68ubY-c.js.map generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"ServerConfigPanel-x68ubY-c.js","sources":["../../src/components/dialog/content/setting/ServerConfigPanel.vue"],"sourcesContent":["<template>\n <PanelTemplate value=\"Server-Config\" class=\"server-config-panel\">\n <template #header>\n <div class=\"flex flex-col gap-2\">\n <Message\n v-if=\"modifiedConfigs.length > 0\"\n severity=\"info\"\n pt:text=\"w-full\"\n >\n <p>\n {{ $t('serverConfig.modifiedConfigs') }}\n </p>\n <ul>\n <li v-for=\"config in modifiedConfigs\" :key=\"config.id\">\n {{ config.name }}: {{ config.initialValue }} → {{ config.value }}\n </li>\n </ul>\n <div class=\"flex justify-end gap-2\">\n <Button\n :label=\"$t('serverConfig.revertChanges')\"\n @click=\"revertChanges\"\n outlined\n />\n <Button\n :label=\"$t('serverConfig.restart')\"\n @click=\"restartApp\"\n outlined\n severity=\"danger\"\n />\n </div>\n </Message>\n <Message v-if=\"commandLineArgs\" severity=\"secondary\" pt:text=\"w-full\">\n <template #icon>\n <i-lucide:terminal class=\"text-xl font-bold\" />\n </template>\n <div class=\"flex items-center justify-between\">\n <p>{{ commandLineArgs }}</p>\n <Button\n icon=\"pi pi-clipboard\"\n @click=\"copyCommandLineArgs\"\n severity=\"secondary\"\n text\n />\n </div>\n </Message>\n </div>\n </template>\n <div\n v-for=\"([label, items], i) in Object.entries(serverConfigsByCategory)\"\n :key=\"label\"\n >\n <Divider v-if=\"i > 0\" />\n <h3>{{ formatCamelCase(label) }}</h3>\n <div\n v-for=\"item in items\"\n :key=\"item.name\"\n class=\"flex items-center mb-4\"\n >\n <FormItem\n :item=\"item\"\n v-model:formValue=\"item.value\"\n :id=\"item.id\"\n :labelClass=\"{\n 'text-highlight': item.initialValue !== item.value\n }\"\n />\n </div>\n </div>\n </PanelTemplate>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\">\nimport Button from 'primevue/button'\nimport Message from 'primevue/message'\nimport Divider from 'primevue/divider'\nimport FormItem from '@/components/common/FormItem.vue'\nimport PanelTemplate from './PanelTemplate.vue'\nimport { formatCamelCase } from '@/utils/formatUtil'\nimport { useServerConfigStore } from '@/stores/serverConfigStore'\nimport { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'\nimport { electronAPI } from '@/utils/envUtil'\nimport { useSettingStore } from '@/stores/settingStore'\nimport { watch } from 'vue'\nimport { useCopyToClipboard } from '@/hooks/clipboardHooks'\n\nconst settingStore = useSettingStore()\nconst serverConfigStore = useServerConfigStore()\nconst {\n serverConfigsByCategory,\n serverConfigValues,\n launchArgs,\n commandLineArgs,\n modifiedConfigs\n} = storeToRefs(serverConfigStore)\n\nconst revertChanges = () => {\n serverConfigStore.revertChanges()\n}\n\nconst restartApp = () => {\n electronAPI().restartApp()\n}\n\nwatch(launchArgs, (newVal) => {\n settingStore.set('Comfy.Server.LaunchArgs', newVal)\n})\n\nwatch(serverConfigValues, (newVal) => {\n settingStore.set('Comfy.Server.ServerConfigValues', newVal)\n})\n\nconst { copyToClipboard } = useCopyToClipboard()\nconst copyCommandLineArgs = async () => {\n await copyToClipboard(commandLineArgs.value)\n}\n</script>\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAqFA,UAAM,eAAe;AACrB,UAAM,oBAAoB;AACpB,UAAA;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,IAAA,IACE,YAAY,iBAAiB;AAEjC,UAAM,gBAAgB,6BAAM;AAC1B,wBAAkB,cAAc;AAAA,IAAA,GADZ;AAItB,UAAM,aAAa,6BAAM;AACvB,kBAAA,EAAc;IAAW,GADR;AAIb,UAAA,YAAY,CAAC,WAAW;AACf,mBAAA,IAAI,2BAA2B,MAAM;AAAA,IAAA,CACnD;AAEK,UAAA,oBAAoB,CAAC,WAAW;AACvB,mBAAA,IAAI,mCAAmC,MAAM;AAAA,IAAA,CAC3D;AAEK,UAAA,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC5B,UAAM,sBAAsB,mCAAY;AAChC,YAAA,gBAAgB,gBAAgB,KAAK;AAAA,IAAA,GADjB;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"}

web/assets/ServerStartView-CqRVtr1h.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, aD as useI18n, r as ref, o as onMounted, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, A as createBaseVNode, aw as createTextVNode, a6 as toDisplayString, z as unref, j as createCommentVNode, i as createVNode, D as script, bM as BaseTerminal, P as pushScopeId, Q as popScopeId, bN as electronAPI, _ as _export_sfc } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
import { P as ProgressStatus } from "./index-BppSBmxJ.js";
const _withScopeId = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-f5429be7"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n), "_withScopeId");
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "font-sans flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-screen m-0 text-neutral-300 bg-neutral-900 dark-theme pointer-events-auto" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "text-2xl font-bold" };
const _hoisted_3 = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_4 = {
key: 0,
class: "flex items-center my-4 gap-2"
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ServerStartView",
setup(__props) {
const electron = electronAPI();
const { t } = useI18n();
const status = ref(ProgressStatus.INITIAL_STATE);
const electronVersion = ref("");
let xterm;
const updateProgress = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(({ status: newStatus }) => {
status.value = newStatus;
}, "updateProgress");
const terminalCreated = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(({ terminal, useAutoSize }, root) => {
xterm = terminal;
useAutoSize(root, true, true);
electron.onLogMessage((message) => {
terminal.options.cursorBlink = false;
terminal.options.disableStdin = true;
terminal.options.cursorInactiveStyle = "block";
}, "terminalCreated");
const reinstall = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => electron.reinstall(), "reinstall");
const reportIssue = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
window.open("https://forum.comfy.org/c/v1-feedback/", "_blank");
}, "reportIssue");
const openLogs = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => electron.openLogsFolder(), "openLogs");
onMounted(async () => {
electronVersion.value = await electron.getElectronVersion();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [
createBaseVNode("h2", _hoisted_2, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(t)(`serverStart.process.${status.value}`)) + " ", 1),
status.value === unref(ProgressStatus).ERROR ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3, " v" + toDisplayString(electronVersion.value), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
status.value === unref(ProgressStatus).ERROR ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4, [
createVNode(unref(script), {
icon: "pi pi-flag",
severity: "secondary",
label: unref(t)("serverStart.reportIssue"),
onClick: reportIssue
}, null, 8, ["label"]),
createVNode(unref(script), {
icon: "pi pi-file",
severity: "secondary",
label: unref(t)("serverStart.openLogs"),
onClick: openLogs
}, null, 8, ["label"]),
createVNode(unref(script), {
icon: "pi pi-refresh",
label: unref(t)("serverStart.reinstall"),
onClick: reinstall
}, null, 8, ["label"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(BaseTerminal, { onCreated: terminalCreated })
const ServerStartView = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f5429be7"]]);
export {
ServerStartView as default
//# sourceMappingURL=ServerStartView-CqRVtr1h.js.map

web/assets/ServerStartView-CqRVtr1h.js.map generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"ServerStartView-CqRVtr1h.js","sources":["../../src/views/ServerStartView.vue"],"sourcesContent":["<template>\n <div\n class=\"font-sans flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-screen m-0 text-neutral-300 bg-neutral-900 dark-theme pointer-events-auto\"\n >\n <h2 class=\"text-2xl font-bold\">\n {{ t(`serverStart.process.${status}`) }}\n <span v-if=\"status === ProgressStatus.ERROR\">\n v{{ electronVersion }}\n </span>\n </h2>\n <div\n v-if=\"status === ProgressStatus.ERROR\"\n class=\"flex items-center my-4 gap-2\"\n >\n <Button\n icon=\"pi pi-flag\"\n severity=\"secondary\"\n :label=\"t('serverStart.reportIssue')\"\n @click=\"reportIssue\"\n />\n <Button\n icon=\"pi pi-file\"\n severity=\"secondary\"\n :label=\"t('serverStart.openLogs')\"\n @click=\"openLogs\"\n />\n <Button\n icon=\"pi pi-refresh\"\n :label=\"t('serverStart.reinstall')\"\n @click=\"reinstall\"\n />\n </div>\n <BaseTerminal @created=\"terminalCreated\" />\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\">\nimport Button from 'primevue/button'\nimport { ref, onMounted, Ref } from 'vue'\nimport BaseTerminal from '@/components/bottomPanel/tabs/terminal/BaseTerminal.vue'\nimport { ProgressStatus } from '@comfyorg/comfyui-electron-types'\nimport { electronAPI } from '@/utils/envUtil'\nimport type { useTerminal } from '@/hooks/bottomPanelTabs/useTerminal'\nimport { Terminal } from '@xterm/xterm'\nimport { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'\n\nconst electron = electronAPI()\nconst { t } = useI18n()\n\nconst status = ref<ProgressStatus>(ProgressStatus.INITIAL_STATE)\nconst electronVersion = ref<string>('')\nlet xterm: Terminal | undefined\n\nconst updateProgress = ({ status: newStatus }: { status: ProgressStatus }) => {\n status.value = newStatus\n xterm?.clear()\n}\n\nconst terminalCreated = (\n { terminal, useAutoSize }: ReturnType<typeof useTerminal>,\n root: Ref<HTMLElement>\n) => {\n xterm = terminal\n\n useAutoSize(root, true, true)\n electron.onLogMessage((message: string) => {\n terminal.write(message)\n })\n\n terminal.options.cursorBlink = false\n terminal.options.disableStdin = true\n terminal.options.cursorInactiveStyle = 'block'\n}\n\nconst reinstall = () => electron.reinstall()\nconst reportIssue = () => {\n window.open('https://forum.comfy.org/c/v1-feedback/', '_blank')\n}\nconst openLogs = () => electron.openLogsFolder()\n\nonMounted(async () => {\n electron.sendReady()\n electron.onProgressUpdate(updateProgress)\n electronVersion.value = await electron.getElectronVersion()\n})\n</script>\n\n<style scoped>\n:deep(.xterm-helper-textarea) {\n /* Hide this as it moves all over when uv is running */\n display: none;\n}\n</style>\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AA8CA,UAAM,WAAW;AACX,UAAA,EAAE,MAAM;AAER,UAAA,SAAS,IAAoB,eAAe,aAAa;AACzD,UAAA,kBAAkB,IAAY,EAAE;AAClC,QAAA;AAEJ,UAAM,iBAAiB,wBAAC,EAAE,QAAQ,gBAA4C;AAC5E,aAAO,QAAQ;AACf,aAAO,MAAM;AAAA,IAAA,GAFQ;AAKvB,UAAM,kBAAkB,wBACtB,EAAE,UAAU,YAAA,GACZ,SACG;AACK,cAAA;AAEI,kBAAA,MAAM,MAAM,IAAI;AACnB,eAAA,aAAa,CAAC,YAAoB;AACzC,iBAAS,MAAM,OAAO;AAAA,MAAA,CACvB;AAED,eAAS,QAAQ,cAAc;AAC/B,eAAS,QAAQ,eAAe;AAChC,eAAS,QAAQ,sBAAsB;AAAA,IAAA,GAbjB;AAgBlB,UAAA,YAAY,6BAAM,SAAS,aAAf;AAClB,UAAM,cAAc,6BAAM;AACjB,aAAA,KAAK,0CAA0C,QAAQ;AAAA,IAAA,GAD5C;AAGd,UAAA,WAAW,6BAAM,SAAS,kBAAf;AAEjB,cAAU,YAAY;AACpB,eAAS,UAAU;AACnB,eAAS,iBAAiB,cAAc;AACxB,sBAAA,QAAQ,MAAM,SAAS,mBAAmB;AAAA,IAAA,CAC3D;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"}

web/assets/ServerStartView-Djq8v91B.css generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
[data-v-f5429be7] .xterm-helper-textarea {
/* Hide this as it moves all over when uv is running */
display: none;

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, r as ref, o as onMounted, w as watch, I as onBeforeUnmount, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, i as createVNode, y as withCtx, A as createBaseVNode, a6 as toDisplayString, z as unref, bK as script, bL as electronAPI } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { t, s } from "./index-B4gmhi99.js";
const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "p-terminal rounded-none h-full w-full" };
const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "px-4 whitespace-pre-wrap" };
const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "LogTerminal",
props: {
fetchLogs: { type: Function },
fetchInterval: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const log = ref("");
const scrollPanelRef = ref(null);
const scrolledToBottom = ref(false);
let intervalId = 0;
onMounted(async () => {
const element = scrollPanelRef.value?.$el;
const scrollContainer = element?.querySelector(".p-scrollpanel-content");
if (scrollContainer) {
scrollContainer.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
scrolledToBottom.value = scrollContainer.scrollTop + scrollContainer.clientHeight === scrollContainer.scrollHeight;
const scrollToBottom = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
if (scrollContainer) {
scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollContainer.scrollHeight;
}, "scrollToBottom");
watch(log, () => {
if (scrolledToBottom.value) {
const fetchLogs = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async () => {
log.value = await props.fetchLogs();
}, "fetchLogs");
await fetchLogs();
intervalId = window.setInterval(fetchLogs, props.fetchInterval);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
createVNode(unref(script), {
class: "h-full w-full",
ref_key: "scrollPanelRef",
ref: scrollPanelRef
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("pre", _hoisted_2$1, toDisplayString(log.value), 1)
_: 1
}, 512)
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "font-sans flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-screen m-0 text-neutral-300 bg-neutral-900 dark-theme pointer-events-auto" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "text-2xl font-bold" };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ServerStartView",
setup(__props) {
const electron = electronAPI();
const status = ref(t.INITIAL_STATE);
const logs = ref([]);
const updateProgress = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(({ status: newStatus }) => {
status.value = newStatus;
logs.value = [];
}, "updateProgress");
const addLogMessage = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((message) => {
logs.value = [...logs.value, message];
}, "addLogMessage");
const fetchLogs = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(async () => {
return logs.value.join("\n");
}, "fetchLogs");
onMounted(() => {
electron.onLogMessage((message) => {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [
createBaseVNode("h2", _hoisted_2, toDisplayString(unref(s)[status.value]), 1),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1, {
"fetch-logs": fetchLogs,
"fetch-interval": 500
export {
_sfc_main as default
//# sourceMappingURL=ServerStartView-e57oVZ6V.js.map

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"version":3,"file":"ServerStartView-e57oVZ6V.js","sources":["../../src/components/common/LogTerminal.vue","../../src/views/ServerStartView.vue"],"sourcesContent":["<!-- A simple read-only terminal component that displays logs. -->\n<template>\n <div class=\"p-terminal rounded-none h-full w-full\">\n <ScrollPanel class=\"h-full w-full\" ref=\"scrollPanelRef\">\n <pre class=\"px-4 whitespace-pre-wrap\">{{ log }}</pre>\n </ScrollPanel>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\">\nimport ScrollPanel from 'primevue/scrollpanel'\nimport { onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'\n\nconst props = defineProps<{\n fetchLogs: () => Promise<string>\n fetchInterval: number\n}>()\n\nconst log = ref<string>('')\nconst scrollPanelRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ScrollPanel> | null>(null)\n/**\n * Whether the user has scrolled to the bottom of the terminal.\n * This is used to prevent the terminal from scrolling to the bottom\n * when new logs are fetched.\n */\nconst scrolledToBottom = ref(false)\n\nlet intervalId: number = 0\n\nonMounted(async () => {\n const element = scrollPanelRef.value?.$el\n const scrollContainer = element?.querySelector('.p-scrollpanel-content')\n\n if (scrollContainer) {\n scrollContainer.addEventListener('scroll', () => {\n scrolledToBottom.value =\n scrollContainer.scrollTop + scrollContainer.clientHeight ===\n scrollContainer.scrollHeight\n })\n }\n\n const scrollToBottom = () => {\n if (scrollContainer) {\n scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollContainer.scrollHeight\n }\n }\n\n watch(log, () => {\n if (scrolledToBottom.value) {\n scrollToBottom()\n }\n })\n\n const fetchLogs = async () => {\n log.value = await props.fetchLogs()\n }\n\n await fetchLogs()\n scrollToBottom()\n intervalId = window.setInterval(fetchLogs, props.fetchInterval)\n})\n\nonBeforeUnmount(() => {\n window.clearInterval(intervalId)\n})\n</script>\n","<template>\n <div\n class=\"font-sans flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-screen m-0 text-neutral-300 bg-neutral-900 dark-theme pointer-events-auto\"\n >\n <h2 class=\"text-2xl font-bold\">{{ ProgressMessages[status] }}</h2>\n <LogTerminal :fetch-logs=\"fetchLogs\" :fetch-interval=\"500\" />\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\">\nimport { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'\nimport LogTerminal from '@/components/common/LogTerminal.vue'\nimport {\n ProgressStatus,\n ProgressMessages\n} from '@comfyorg/comfyui-electron-types'\nimport { electronAPI } from '@/utils/envUtil'\n\nconst electron = electronAPI()\n\nconst status = ref<ProgressStatus>(ProgressStatus.INITIAL_STATE)\nconst logs = ref<string[]>([])\n\nconst updateProgress = ({ status: newStatus }: { status: ProgressStatus }) => {\n status.value = newStatus\n logs.value = [] // Clear logs when status changes\n}\n\nconst addLogMessage = (message: string) => {\n logs.value = [...logs.value, message]\n}\n\nconst fetchLogs = async () => {\n return logs.value.join('\\n')\n}\n\nonMounted(() => {\n electron.sendReady()\n electron.onProgressUpdate(updateProgress)\n electron.onLogMessage((message: string) => {\n addLogMessage(message)\n })\n})\n</script>\n"],"names":["ProgressStatus"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;AAaA,UAAM,QAAQ;AAKR,UAAA,MAAM,IAAY,EAAE;AACpB,UAAA,iBAAiB,IAA6C,IAAI;AAMlE,UAAA,mBAAmB,IAAI,KAAK;AAElC,QAAI,aAAqB;AAEzB,cAAU,YAAY;AACd,YAAA,UAAU,eAAe,OAAO;AAChC,YAAA,kBAAkB,SAAS,cAAc,wBAAwB;AAEvE,UAAI,iBAAiB;AACH,wBAAA,iBAAiB,UAAU,MAAM;AAC/C,2BAAiB,QACf,gBAAgB,YAAY,gBAAgB,iBAC5C,gBAAgB;AAAA,QAAA,CACnB;AAAA,MACH;AAEA,YAAM,iBAAiB,6BAAM;AAC3B,YAAI,iBAAiB;AACnB,0BAAgB,YAAY,gBAAgB;AAAA,QAC9C;AAAA,MAAA,GAHqB;AAMvB,YAAM,KAAK,MAAM;AACf,YAAI,iBAAiB,OAAO;AACX;QACjB;AAAA,MAAA,CACD;AAED,YAAM,YAAY,mCAAY;AACxB,YAAA,QAAQ,MAAM,MAAM,UAAU;AAAA,MAAA,GADlB;AAIlB,YAAM,UAAU;AACD;AACf,mBAAa,OAAO,YAAY,WAAW,MAAM,aAAa;AAAA,IAAA,CAC/D;AAED,oBAAgB,MAAM;AACpB,aAAO,cAAc,UAAU;AAAA,IAAA,CAChC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AC9CD,UAAM,WAAW;AAEX,UAAA,SAAS,IAAoBA,EAAe,aAAa;AACzD,UAAA,OAAO,IAAc,CAAA,CAAE;AAE7B,UAAM,iBAAiB,wBAAC,EAAE,QAAQ,gBAA4C;AAC5E,aAAO,QAAQ;AACf,WAAK,QAAQ;IAAC,GAFO;AAKjB,UAAA,gBAAgB,wBAAC,YAAoB;AACzC,WAAK,QAAQ,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,OAAO;AAAA,IAAA,GADhB;AAItB,UAAM,YAAY,mCAAY;AACrB,aAAA,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,IAAA,GADX;AAIlB,cAAU,MAAM;AACd,eAAS,UAAU;AACnB,eAAS,iBAAiB,cAAc;AAC/B,eAAA,aAAa,CAAC,YAAoB;AACzC,sBAAc,OAAO;AAAA,MAAA,CACtB;AAAA,IAAA,CACF;;;;;;;;;;;;"}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, A as createBaseVNode, a6 as toDisplayString, i as createVNode, z as unref, D as script, P as pushScopeId, Q as popScopeId, _ as _export_sfc } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { d as defineComponent, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, A as createBaseVNode, a6 as toDisplayString, i as createVNode, z as unref, D as script, P as pushScopeId, Q as popScopeId, _ as _export_sfc } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
const _withScopeId = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-12b8b11b"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n), "_withScopeId");
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "font-sans flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-screen m-0 text-neutral-300 bg-neutral-900 dark-theme pointer-events-auto" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-8 p-8" };
@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ const WelcomeView = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-
export {
WelcomeView as default
//# sourceMappingURL=WelcomeView-DT4bj-QV.js.map
//# sourceMappingURL=WelcomeView-C4D1cggT.js.map

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@ -1 +1 @@

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
const o = {
LOADING_PROGRESS: "loading-progress",
IS_PACKAGED: "is-packaged",
RENDERER_READY: "renderer-ready",
RESTART_APP: "restart-app",
REINSTALL: "reinstall",
LOG_MESSAGE: "log-message",
OPEN_DIALOG: "open-dialog",
DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: "download-progress",
START_DOWNLOAD: "start-download",
PAUSE_DOWNLOAD: "pause-download",
RESUME_DOWNLOAD: "resume-download",
CANCEL_DOWNLOAD: "cancel-download",
DELETE_MODEL: "delete-model",
GET_ALL_DOWNLOADS: "get-all-downloads",
GET_ELECTRON_VERSION: "get-electron-version",
SEND_ERROR_TO_SENTRY: "send-error-to-sentry",
GET_BASE_PATH: "get-base-path",
GET_MODEL_CONFIG_PATH: "get-model-config-path",
OPEN_PATH: "open-path",
OPEN_LOGS_PATH: "open-logs-path",
OPEN_DEV_TOOLS: "open-dev-tools",
IS_FIRST_TIME_SETUP: "is-first-time-setup",
GET_SYSTEM_PATHS: "get-system-paths",
VALIDATE_INSTALL_PATH: "validate-install-path",
VALIDATE_COMFYUI_SOURCE: "validate-comfyui-source",
SHOW_DIRECTORY_PICKER: "show-directory-picker",
INSTALL_COMFYUI: "install-comfyui"
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.INITIAL_STATE = "initial-state", e.PYTHON_SETUP = "python-setup", e.STARTING_SERVER = "starting-server", e.READY = "ready", e.ERROR = "error", e.ERROR_INSTALL_PATH = "error-install-path", e))(t || {});
const s = {
"initial-state": "Loading...",
"python-setup": "Setting up Python Environment...",
"starting-server": "Starting ComfyUI server...",
ready: "Finishing...",
error: "Was not able to start ComfyUI. Please check the logs for more details. You can open it from the Help menu. Please report issues to: https://forum.comfy.org",
"error-install-path": "Installation path does not exist. Please reset the installation location."
}, a = "electronAPI", n = "https://942cadba58d247c9cab96f45221aa813@o4507954455314432.ingest.us.sentry.io/4508007940685824", r = [
id: "user_files",
label: "User Files",
description: "Settings and user-created workflows"
id: "models",
label: "Models",
description: "Reference model files from existing ComfyUI installations. (No copy)"
// TODO: Decide whether we want to auto-migrate custom nodes, and install their dependencies.
// huchenlei: This is a very essential thing for migration experience.
// {
// id: 'custom_nodes',
// label: 'Custom Nodes',
// description: 'Reference custom node files from existing ComfyUI installations. (No copy)',
// },
export {
//# sourceMappingURL=index-B4gmhi99.js.map

web/assets/index-B4gmhi99.js.map generated vendored
View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"version":3,"file":"index-B4gmhi99.js","sources":["../../node_modules/@comfyorg/comfyui-electron-types/index.mjs"],"sourcesContent":["const o = {\n LOADING_PROGRESS: \"loading-progress\",\n IS_PACKAGED: \"is-packaged\",\n RENDERER_READY: \"renderer-ready\",\n RESTART_APP: \"restart-app\",\n REINSTALL: \"reinstall\",\n LOG_MESSAGE: \"log-message\",\n OPEN_DIALOG: \"open-dialog\",\n DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: \"download-progress\",\n START_DOWNLOAD: \"start-download\",\n PAUSE_DOWNLOAD: \"pause-download\",\n RESUME_DOWNLOAD: \"resume-download\",\n CANCEL_DOWNLOAD: \"cancel-download\",\n DELETE_MODEL: \"delete-model\",\n GET_ALL_DOWNLOADS: \"get-all-downloads\",\n GET_ELECTRON_VERSION: \"get-electron-version\",\n SEND_ERROR_TO_SENTRY: \"send-error-to-sentry\",\n GET_BASE_PATH: \"get-base-path\",\n GET_MODEL_CONFIG_PATH: \"get-model-config-path\",\n OPEN_PATH: \"open-path\",\n OPEN_LOGS_PATH: \"open-logs-path\",\n OPEN_DEV_TOOLS: \"open-dev-tools\",\n IS_FIRST_TIME_SETUP: \"is-first-time-setup\",\n GET_SYSTEM_PATHS: \"get-system-paths\",\n VALIDATE_INSTALL_PATH: \"validate-install-path\",\n VALIDATE_COMFYUI_SOURCE: \"validate-comfyui-source\",\n SHOW_DIRECTORY_PICKER: \"show-directory-picker\",\n INSTALL_COMFYUI: \"install-comfyui\"\n};\nvar t = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.INITIAL_STATE = \"initial-state\", e.PYTHON_SETUP = \"python-setup\", e.STARTING_SERVER = \"starting-server\", e.READY = \"ready\", e.ERROR = \"error\", e.ERROR_INSTALL_PATH = \"error-install-path\", e))(t || {});\nconst s = {\n \"initial-state\": \"Loading...\",\n \"python-setup\": \"Setting up Python Environment...\",\n \"starting-server\": \"Starting ComfyUI server...\",\n ready: \"Finishing...\",\n error: \"Was not able to start ComfyUI. Please check the logs for more details. You can open it from the Help menu. Please report issues to: https://forum.comfy.org\",\n \"error-install-path\": \"Installation path does not exist. Please reset the installation location.\"\n}, a = \"electronAPI\", n = \"https://942cadba58d247c9cab96f45221aa813@o4507954455314432.ingest.us.sentry.io/4508007940685824\", r = [\n {\n id: \"user_files\",\n label: \"User Files\",\n description: \"Settings and user-created workflows\"\n },\n {\n id: \"models\",\n label: \"Models\",\n description: \"Reference model files from existing ComfyUI installations. (No copy)\"\n }\n // TODO: Decide whether we want to auto-migrate custom nodes, and install their dependencies.\n // huchenlei: This is a very essential thing for migration experience.\n // {\n // id: 'custom_nodes',\n // label: 'Custom Nodes',\n // description: 'Reference custom node files from existing ComfyUI installations. (No copy)',\n // },\n];\nexport {\n a as ELECTRON_BRIDGE_API,\n o as IPC_CHANNELS,\n r as MigrationItems,\n s as ProgressMessages,\n t as ProgressStatus,\n n as SENTRY_URL_ENDPOINT\n};\n"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,MAAM,IAAI;AAAA,EACR,kBAAkB;AAAA,EAClB,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,gBAAgB;AAAA,EAChB,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,WAAW;AAAA,EACX,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,mBAAmB;AAAA,EACnB,gBAAgB;AAAA,EAChB,gBAAgB;AAAA,EAChB,iBAAiB;AAAA,EACjB,iBAAiB;AAAA,EACjB,cAAc;AAAA,EACd,mBAAmB;AAAA,EACnB,sBAAsB;AAAA,EACtB,sBAAsB;AAAA,EACtB,eAAe;AAAA,EACf,uBAAuB;AAAA,EACvB,WAAW;AAAA,EACX,gBAAgB;AAAA,EAChB,gBAAgB;AAAA,EAChB,qBAAqB;AAAA,EACrB,kBAAkB;AAAA,EAClB,uBAAuB;AAAA,EACvB,yBAAyB;AAAA,EACzB,uBAAuB;AAAA,EACvB,iBAAiB;AACnB;AACG,IAAC,IAAqB,kBAAC,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,iBAAiB,EAAE,eAAe,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB,mBAAmB,EAAE,QAAQ,SAAS,EAAE,QAAQ,SAAS,EAAE,qBAAqB,sBAAsB,IAAI,KAAK,CAAA,CAAE;AACrO,MAAC,IAAI;AAAA,EACR,iBAAiB;AAAA,EACjB,gBAAgB;AAAA,EAChB,mBAAmB;AAAA,EACnB,OAAO;AAAA,EACP,OAAO;AAAA,EACP,sBAAsB;AACxB,GAAG,IAAI,eAAe,IAAI,mGAAmG,IAAI;AAAA,EAC/H;AAAA,IACE,IAAI;AAAA,IACJ,OAAO;AAAA,IACP,aAAa;AAAA,EACd;AAAA,EACD;AAAA,IACE,IAAI;AAAA,IACJ,OAAO;AAAA,IACP,aAAa;AAAA,EACd;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAQH;","x_google_ignoreList":[0]}

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/index-Ba7IybyO.js generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/index-Ba7IybyO.js.map generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/index-BppSBmxJ.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
const IPC_CHANNELS = {
LOADING_PROGRESS: "loading-progress",
IS_PACKAGED: "is-packaged",
RENDERER_READY: "renderer-ready",
RESTART_APP: "restart-app",
REINSTALL: "reinstall",
LOG_MESSAGE: "log-message",
OPEN_DIALOG: "open-dialog",
DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: "download-progress",
START_DOWNLOAD: "start-download",
PAUSE_DOWNLOAD: "pause-download",
RESUME_DOWNLOAD: "resume-download",
CANCEL_DOWNLOAD: "cancel-download",
DELETE_MODEL: "delete-model",
GET_ALL_DOWNLOADS: "get-all-downloads",
GET_ELECTRON_VERSION: "get-electron-version",
SEND_ERROR_TO_SENTRY: "send-error-to-sentry",
GET_BASE_PATH: "get-base-path",
GET_MODEL_CONFIG_PATH: "get-model-config-path",
OPEN_PATH: "open-path",
OPEN_LOGS_PATH: "open-logs-path",
OPEN_DEV_TOOLS: "open-dev-tools",
TERMINAL_WRITE: "execute-terminal-command",
TERMINAL_RESIZE: "resize-terminal",
TERMINAL_RESTORE: "restore-terminal",
TERMINAL_ON_OUTPUT: "terminal-output",
IS_FIRST_TIME_SETUP: "is-first-time-setup",
GET_SYSTEM_PATHS: "get-system-paths",
VALIDATE_INSTALL_PATH: "validate-install-path",
VALIDATE_COMFYUI_SOURCE: "validate-comfyui-source",
SHOW_DIRECTORY_PICKER: "show-directory-picker",
INSTALL_COMFYUI: "install-comfyui"
var ProgressStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ProgressStatus2) => {
ProgressStatus2["INITIAL_STATE"] = "initial-state";
ProgressStatus2["PYTHON_SETUP"] = "python-setup";
ProgressStatus2["STARTING_SERVER"] = "starting-server";
ProgressStatus2["READY"] = "ready";
ProgressStatus2["ERROR"] = "error";
return ProgressStatus2;
})(ProgressStatus || {});
const ProgressMessages = {
]: "Loading...",
]: "Setting up Python Environment...",
]: "Starting ComfyUI server...",
/* READY */
]: "Finishing...",
/* ERROR */
]: "Was not able to start ComfyUI. Please check the logs for more details. You can open it from the Help menu. Please report issues to: https://forum.comfy.org"
const ELECTRON_BRIDGE_API = "electronAPI";
const SENTRY_URL_ENDPOINT = "https://942cadba58d247c9cab96f45221aa813@o4507954455314432.ingest.us.sentry.io/4508007940685824";
const MigrationItems = [
id: "user_files",
label: "User Files",
description: "Settings and user-created workflows"
id: "models",
label: "Models",
description: "Reference model files from existing ComfyUI installations. (No copy)"
// TODO: Decide whether we want to auto-migrate custom nodes, and install their dependencies.
// huchenlei: This is a very essential thing for migration experience.
// {
// id: 'custom_nodes',
// label: 'Custom Nodes',
// description: 'Reference custom node files from existing ComfyUI installations. (No copy)',
// },
/** The host to use for the ComfyUI server. */
host: "",
/** The port to use for the ComfyUI server. */
port: 8e3,
// Extra arguments to pass to the ComfyUI server.
extraServerArgs: {}
var DownloadStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ ((DownloadStatus2) => {
DownloadStatus2["PENDING"] = "pending";
DownloadStatus2["IN_PROGRESS"] = "in_progress";
DownloadStatus2["COMPLETED"] = "completed";
DownloadStatus2["PAUSED"] = "paused";
DownloadStatus2["ERROR"] = "error";
DownloadStatus2["CANCELLED"] = "cancelled";
return DownloadStatus2;
})(DownloadStatus || {});
export {
MigrationItems as M,
ProgressStatus as P
//# sourceMappingURL=index-BppSBmxJ.js.map

web/assets/index-BppSBmxJ.js.map generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/assets/index-CoOvI8ZH.js.map generated vendored Normal file

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { c7 as script$2, A as createBaseVNode, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, m as mergeProps } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { cb as script$2, A as createBaseVNode, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, m as mergeProps } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
var script$1 = {
name: "BarsIcon",
"extends": script$2
@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ export {
script as a,
script$1 as s
//# sourceMappingURL=index-MX9DEi8Q.js.map
//# sourceMappingURL=index-D4DWQPPQ.js.map

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"index-MX9DEi8Q.js","sources":["../../node_modules/@primevue/icons/bars/index.mjs","../../node_modules/@primevue/icons/plus/index.mjs"],"sourcesContent":["import BaseIcon from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';\nimport { openBlock, createElementBlock, mergeProps, createElementVNode } from 'vue';\n\nvar script = {\n name: 'BarsIcon',\n \"extends\": BaseIcon\n};\n\nvar _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode(\"path\", {\n \"fill-rule\": \"evenodd\",\n \"clip-rule\": \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M13.3226 3.6129H0.677419C0.497757 3.6129 0.325452 3.54152 0.198411 3.41448C0.0713707 3.28744 0 3.11514 0 2.93548C0 2.75581 0.0713707 2.58351 0.198411 2.45647C0.325452 2.32943 0.497757 2.25806 0.677419 2.25806H13.3226C13.5022 2.25806 13.6745 2.32943 13.8016 2.45647C13.9286 2.58351 14 2.75581 14 2.93548C14 3.11514 13.9286 3.28744 13.8016 3.41448C13.6745 3.54152 13.5022 3.6129 13.3226 3.6129ZM13.3226 7.67741H0.677419C0.497757 7.67741 0.325452 7.60604 0.198411 7.479C0.0713707 7.35196 0 7.17965 0 6.99999C0 6.82033 0.0713707 6.64802 0.198411 6.52098C0.325452 6.39394 0.497757 6.32257 0.677419 6.32257H13.3226C13.5022 6.32257 13.6745 6.39394 13.8016 6.52098C13.9286 6.64802 14 6.82033 14 6.99999C14 7.17965 13.9286 7.35196 13.8016 7.479C13.6745 7.60604 13.5022 7.67741 13.3226 7.67741ZM0.677419 11.7419H13.3226C13.5022 11.7419 13.6745 11.6706 13.8016 11.5435C13.9286 11.4165 14 11.2442 14 11.0645C14 10.8848 13.9286 10.7125 13.8016 10.5855C13.6745 10.4585 13.5022 10.3871 13.3226 10.3871H0.677419C0.497757 10.3871 0.325452 10.4585 0.198411 10.5855C0.0713707 10.7125 0 10.8848 0 11.0645C0 11.2442 0.0713707 11.4165 0.198411 11.5435C0.325452 11.6706 0.497757 11.7419 0.677419 11.7419Z\",\n fill: \"currentColor\"\n}, null, -1);\nvar _hoisted_2 = [_hoisted_1];\nfunction render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {\n return openBlock(), createElementBlock(\"svg\", mergeProps({\n width: \"14\",\n height: \"14\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 14 14\",\n fill: \"none\",\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }, _ctx.pti()), _hoisted_2, 16);\n}\n\nscript.render = render;\n\nexport { script as default };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n","import BaseIcon from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';\nimport { openBlock, createElementBlock, mergeProps, createElementVNode } from 'vue';\n\nvar script = {\n name: 'PlusIcon',\n \"extends\": BaseIcon\n};\n\nvar _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode(\"path\", {\n d: \"M7.67742 6.32258V0.677419C7.67742 0.497757 7.60605 0.325452 7.47901 0.198411C7.35197 0.0713707 7.17966 0 7 0C6.82034 0 6.64803 0.0713707 6.52099 0.198411C6.39395 0.325452 6.32258 0.497757 6.32258 0.677419V6.32258H0.677419C0.497757 6.32258 0.325452 6.39395 0.198411 6.52099C0.0713707 6.64803 0 6.82034 0 7C0 7.17966 0.0713707 7.35197 0.198411 7.47901C0.325452 7.60605 0.497757 7.67742 0.677419 7.67742H6.32258V13.3226C6.32492 13.5015 6.39704 13.6725 6.52358 13.799C6.65012 13.9255 6.82106 13.9977 7 14C7.17966 14 7.35197 13.9286 7.47901 13.8016C7.60605 13.6745 7.67742 13.5022 7.67742 13.3226V7.67742H13.3226C13.5022 7.67742 13.6745 7.60605 13.8016 7.47901C13.9286 7.35197 14 7.17966 14 7C13.9977 6.82106 13.9255 6.65012 13.799 6.52358C13.6725 6.39704 13.5015 6.32492 13.3226 6.32258H7.67742Z\",\n fill: \"currentColor\"\n}, null, -1);\nvar _hoisted_2 = [_hoisted_1];\nfunction render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {\n return openBlock(), createElementBlock(\"svg\", mergeProps({\n width: \"14\",\n height: \"14\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 14 14\",\n fill: \"none\",\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }, _ctx.pti()), _hoisted_2, 16);\n}\n\nscript.render = render;\n\nexport { script as default };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n"],"names":["script","BaseIcon","_hoisted_1","createElementVNode","_hoisted_2","render"],"mappings":";;;AAGG,IAACA,WAAS;AAAA,EACX,MAAM;AAAA,EACN,WAAWC;AACb;AAEA,IAAIC,eAA0BC,gCAAmB,QAAQ;AAAA,EACvD,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,GAAG;AAAA,EACH,MAAM;AACR,GAAG,MAAM,EAAE;AACX,IAAIC,eAAa,CAACF,YAAU;AAC5B,SAASG,SAAO,MAAM,QAAQ,QAAQ,QAAQ,OAAO,UAAU;AAC7D,SAAO,UAAW,GAAE,mBAAmB,OAAO,WAAW;AAAA,IACvD,OAAO;AAAA,IACP,QAAQ;AAAA,IACR,SAAS;AAAA,IACT,MAAM;AAAA,IACN,OAAO;AAAA,EACR,GAAE,KAAK,IAAG,CAAE,GAAGD,cAAY,EAAE;AAChC;AARSC;AAUTL,SAAO,SAASK;ACtBb,IAAC,SAAS;AAAA,EACX,MAAM;AAAA,EACN,WAAWJ;AACb;AAEA,IAAI,aAA0BE,gCAAmB,QAAQ;AAAA,EACvD,GAAG;AAAA,EACH,MAAM;AACR,GAAG,MAAM,EAAE;AACX,IAAI,aAAa,CAAC,UAAU;AAC5B,SAAS,OAAO,MAAM,QAAQ,QAAQ,QAAQ,OAAO,UAAU;AAC7D,SAAO,UAAW,GAAE,mBAAmB,OAAO,WAAW;AAAA,IACvD,OAAO;AAAA,IACP,QAAQ;AAAA,IACR,SAAS;AAAA,IACT,MAAM;AAAA,IACN,OAAO;AAAA,EACR,GAAE,KAAK,IAAG,CAAE,GAAG,YAAY,EAAE;AAChC;AARS;AAUT,OAAO,SAAS;","x_google_ignoreList":[0,1]}
{"version":3,"file":"index-D4DWQPPQ.js","sources":["../../node_modules/@primevue/icons/bars/index.mjs","../../node_modules/@primevue/icons/plus/index.mjs"],"sourcesContent":["import BaseIcon from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';\nimport { openBlock, createElementBlock, mergeProps, createElementVNode } from 'vue';\n\nvar script = {\n name: 'BarsIcon',\n \"extends\": BaseIcon\n};\n\nvar _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode(\"path\", {\n \"fill-rule\": \"evenodd\",\n \"clip-rule\": \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M13.3226 3.6129H0.677419C0.497757 3.6129 0.325452 3.54152 0.198411 3.41448C0.0713707 3.28744 0 3.11514 0 2.93548C0 2.75581 0.0713707 2.58351 0.198411 2.45647C0.325452 2.32943 0.497757 2.25806 0.677419 2.25806H13.3226C13.5022 2.25806 13.6745 2.32943 13.8016 2.45647C13.9286 2.58351 14 2.75581 14 2.93548C14 3.11514 13.9286 3.28744 13.8016 3.41448C13.6745 3.54152 13.5022 3.6129 13.3226 3.6129ZM13.3226 7.67741H0.677419C0.497757 7.67741 0.325452 7.60604 0.198411 7.479C0.0713707 7.35196 0 7.17965 0 6.99999C0 6.82033 0.0713707 6.64802 0.198411 6.52098C0.325452 6.39394 0.497757 6.32257 0.677419 6.32257H13.3226C13.5022 6.32257 13.6745 6.39394 13.8016 6.52098C13.9286 6.64802 14 6.82033 14 6.99999C14 7.17965 13.9286 7.35196 13.8016 7.479C13.6745 7.60604 13.5022 7.67741 13.3226 7.67741ZM0.677419 11.7419H13.3226C13.5022 11.7419 13.6745 11.6706 13.8016 11.5435C13.9286 11.4165 14 11.2442 14 11.0645C14 10.8848 13.9286 10.7125 13.8016 10.5855C13.6745 10.4585 13.5022 10.3871 13.3226 10.3871H0.677419C0.497757 10.3871 0.325452 10.4585 0.198411 10.5855C0.0713707 10.7125 0 10.8848 0 11.0645C0 11.2442 0.0713707 11.4165 0.198411 11.5435C0.325452 11.6706 0.497757 11.7419 0.677419 11.7419Z\",\n fill: \"currentColor\"\n}, null, -1);\nvar _hoisted_2 = [_hoisted_1];\nfunction render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {\n return openBlock(), createElementBlock(\"svg\", mergeProps({\n width: \"14\",\n height: \"14\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 14 14\",\n fill: \"none\",\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }, _ctx.pti()), _hoisted_2, 16);\n}\n\nscript.render = render;\n\nexport { script as default };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n","import BaseIcon from '@primevue/icons/baseicon';\nimport { openBlock, createElementBlock, mergeProps, createElementVNode } from 'vue';\n\nvar script = {\n name: 'PlusIcon',\n \"extends\": BaseIcon\n};\n\nvar _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode(\"path\", {\n d: \"M7.67742 6.32258V0.677419C7.67742 0.497757 7.60605 0.325452 7.47901 0.198411C7.35197 0.0713707 7.17966 0 7 0C6.82034 0 6.64803 0.0713707 6.52099 0.198411C6.39395 0.325452 6.32258 0.497757 6.32258 0.677419V6.32258H0.677419C0.497757 6.32258 0.325452 6.39395 0.198411 6.52099C0.0713707 6.64803 0 6.82034 0 7C0 7.17966 0.0713707 7.35197 0.198411 7.47901C0.325452 7.60605 0.497757 7.67742 0.677419 7.67742H6.32258V13.3226C6.32492 13.5015 6.39704 13.6725 6.52358 13.799C6.65012 13.9255 6.82106 13.9977 7 14C7.17966 14 7.35197 13.9286 7.47901 13.8016C7.60605 13.6745 7.67742 13.5022 7.67742 13.3226V7.67742H13.3226C13.5022 7.67742 13.6745 7.60605 13.8016 7.47901C13.9286 7.35197 14 7.17966 14 7C13.9977 6.82106 13.9255 6.65012 13.799 6.52358C13.6725 6.39704 13.5015 6.32492 13.3226 6.32258H7.67742Z\",\n fill: \"currentColor\"\n}, null, -1);\nvar _hoisted_2 = [_hoisted_1];\nfunction render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {\n return openBlock(), createElementBlock(\"svg\", mergeProps({\n width: \"14\",\n height: \"14\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 14 14\",\n fill: \"none\",\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }, _ctx.pti()), _hoisted_2, 16);\n}\n\nscript.render = render;\n\nexport { script as default };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n"],"names":["script","BaseIcon","_hoisted_1","createElementVNode","_hoisted_2","render"],"mappings":";;;AAGG,IAACA,WAAS;AAAA,EACX,MAAM;AAAA,EACN,WAAWC;AACb;AAEA,IAAIC,eAA0BC,gCAAmB,QAAQ;AAAA,EACvD,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,aAAa;AAAA,EACb,GAAG;AAAA,EACH,MAAM;AACR,GAAG,MAAM,EAAE;AACX,IAAIC,eAAa,CAACF,YAAU;AAC5B,SAASG,SAAO,MAAM,QAAQ,QAAQ,QAAQ,OAAO,UAAU;AAC7D,SAAO,UAAW,GAAE,mBAAmB,OAAO,WAAW;AAAA,IACvD,OAAO;AAAA,IACP,QAAQ;AAAA,IACR,SAAS;AAAA,IACT,MAAM;AAAA,IACN,OAAO;AAAA,EACR,GAAE,KAAK,IAAG,CAAE,GAAGD,cAAY,EAAE;AAChC;AARSC;AAUTL,SAAO,SAASK;ACtBb,IAAC,SAAS;AAAA,EACX,MAAM;AAAA,EACN,WAAWJ;AACb;AAEA,IAAI,aAA0BE,gCAAmB,QAAQ;AAAA,EACvD,GAAG;AAAA,EACH,MAAM;AACR,GAAG,MAAM,EAAE;AACX,IAAI,aAAa,CAAC,UAAU;AAC5B,SAAS,OAAO,MAAM,QAAQ,QAAQ,QAAQ,OAAO,UAAU;AAC7D,SAAO,UAAW,GAAE,mBAAmB,OAAO,WAAW;AAAA,IACvD,OAAO;AAAA,IACP,QAAQ;AAAA,IACR,SAAS;AAAA,IACT,MAAM;AAAA,IACN,OAAO;AAAA,EACR,GAAE,KAAK,IAAG,CAAE,GAAG,YAAY,EAAE;AAChC;AARS;AAUT,OAAO,SAAS;","x_google_ignoreList":[0,1]}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { c7 as script$s, A as createBaseVNode, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, m as mergeProps, B as BaseStyle, R as script$t, a6 as toDisplayString, a1 as Ripple, t as resolveDirective, v as withDirectives, x as createBlock, J as resolveDynamicComponent, c8 as script$u, l as resolveComponent, C as normalizeClass, av as createSlots, y as withCtx, bw as script$v, bm as script$w, N as Fragment, O as renderList, aw as createTextVNode, bc as setAttribute, ad as UniqueComponentId, ba as normalizeProps, p as renderSlot, j as createCommentVNode, a4 as equals, b6 as script$x, bS as script$y, c9 as getFirstFocusableElement, ag as OverlayEventBus, a8 as getVNodeProp, af as resolveFieldData, ca as invokeElementMethod, a2 as getAttribute, cb as getNextElementSibling, Y as getOuterWidth, cc as getPreviousElementSibling, D as script$z, ar as script$A, a0 as script$B, b9 as script$D, ac as isNotEmpty, bi as withModifiers, W as getOuterHeight, cd as _default, ae as ZIndex, a3 as focus, ai as addStyle, ak as absolutePosition, al as ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler, am as isTouchDevice, ce as FilterOperator, aq as script$E, cf as FocusTrap, i as createVNode, au as Transition, cg as withKeys, ch as getIndex, s as script$G, ci as isClickable, cj as clearSelection, ck as localeComparator, cl as sort, cm as FilterService, c3 as FilterMatchMode, V as findSingle, bM as findIndexInList, bN as find, cn as exportCSV, X as getOffset, co as getHiddenElementOuterWidth, cp as getHiddenElementOuterHeight, cq as reorderArray, cr as getWindowScrollTop, cs as removeClass, ct as addClass, ah as isEmpty, ap as script$H, as as script$I } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { s as script$C, a as script$F } from "./index-MX9DEi8Q.js";
import { cb as script$s, A as createBaseVNode, g as openBlock, h as createElementBlock, m as mergeProps, B as BaseStyle, R as script$t, a6 as toDisplayString, a1 as Ripple, t as resolveDirective, v as withDirectives, x as createBlock, J as resolveDynamicComponent, cc as script$u, l as resolveComponent, C as normalizeClass, av as createSlots, y as withCtx, by as script$v, bo as script$w, N as Fragment, O as renderList, aw as createTextVNode, be as setAttribute, ad as UniqueComponentId, bc as normalizeProps, p as renderSlot, j as createCommentVNode, a4 as equals, b8 as script$x, bU as script$y, cd as getFirstFocusableElement, ag as OverlayEventBus, a8 as getVNodeProp, af as resolveFieldData, ce as invokeElementMethod, a2 as getAttribute, cf as getNextElementSibling, Y as getOuterWidth, cg as getPreviousElementSibling, D as script$z, ar as script$A, a0 as script$B, bb as script$D, ac as isNotEmpty, bk as withModifiers, W as getOuterHeight, ch as _default, ae as ZIndex, a3 as focus, ai as addStyle, ak as absolutePosition, al as ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler, am as isTouchDevice, ci as FilterOperator, aq as script$E, cj as FocusTrap, i as createVNode, au as Transition, ck as withKeys, cl as getIndex, s as script$G, cm as isClickable, cn as clearSelection, co as localeComparator, cp as sort, cq as FilterService, c6 as FilterMatchMode, V as findSingle, bO as findIndexInList, bP as find, cr as exportCSV, X as getOffset, cs as getHiddenElementOuterWidth, ct as getHiddenElementOuterHeight, cu as reorderArray, cv as getWindowScrollTop, cw as removeClass, cx as addClass, ah as isEmpty, ap as script$H, as as script$I } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
import { s as script$C, a as script$F } from "./index-D4DWQPPQ.js";
var script$r = {
name: "ArrowDownIcon",
"extends": script$s
@ -8782,4 +8782,4 @@ export {
script$d as a,
script as s
//# sourceMappingURL=index-CjwCGacA.js.map
//# sourceMappingURL=index-DK6Kev7f.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

web/assets/serverConfigStore-cctR8PGG.js generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { cB as defineStore, r as ref, q as computed } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
const useServerConfigStore = defineStore("serverConfig", () => {
const serverConfigById = ref({});
const serverConfigs = computed(() => {
return Object.values(serverConfigById.value);
const modifiedConfigs = computed(
() => {
return serverConfigs.value.filter((config) => {
return config.initialValue !== config.value;
const revertChanges = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
for (const config of modifiedConfigs.value) {
config.value = config.initialValue;
}, "revertChanges");
const serverConfigsByCategory = computed(() => {
return serverConfigs.value.reduce(
(acc, config) => {
const category = config.category?.[0] ?? "General";
acc[category] = acc[category] || [];
return acc;
const serverConfigValues = computed(() => {
return Object.fromEntries(
serverConfigs.value.map((config) => {
return [
config.value === config.defaultValue || config.value === null || config.value === void 0 ? void 0 : config.value
const launchArgs = computed(() => {
const args = Object.assign(
...serverConfigs.value.map((config) => {
if (config.value === config.defaultValue || config.value === null || config.value === void 0) {
return {};
return config.getValue ? config.getValue(config.value) : { [config.id]: config.value };
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(args).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value === true) {
return [key, ""];
return [key, value.toString()];
const commandLineArgs = computed(() => {
return Object.entries(launchArgs.value).map(([key, value]) => [`--${key}`, value]).flat().filter((arg) => arg !== "").join(" ");
function loadServerConfig(configs, values) {
for (const config of configs) {
const value = values[config.id] ?? config.defaultValue;
serverConfigById.value[config.id] = {
initialValue: value
__name(loadServerConfig, "loadServerConfig");
return {
export {
useServerConfigStore as u
//# sourceMappingURL=serverConfigStore-cctR8PGG.js.map

web/assets/serverConfigStore-cctR8PGG.js.map generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { bH as api, bW as $el } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { aZ as api, bY as $el } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
function createSpinner() {
const div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = `<div class="lds-ring"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>`;
@ -126,4 +126,4 @@ window.comfyAPI.userSelection.UserSelectionScreen = UserSelectionScreen;
export {
//# sourceMappingURL=userSelection-BSkuSZyR.js.map
//# sourceMappingURL=userSelection-C6c30qSU.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { e as LGraphNode, c as app, c1 as applyTextReplacements, c0 as ComfyWidgets, c2 as addValueControlWidgets, k as LiteGraph } from "./index-B6dYHNhg.js";
import { e as LGraphNode, c as app, c3 as applyTextReplacements, c2 as ComfyWidgets, c5 as addValueControlWidgets, k as LiteGraph } from "./index-CoOvI8ZH.js";
const CONVERTED_TYPE = "converted-widget";
const VALID_TYPES = [
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ app.registerExtension({
const r = origOnInputDblClick ? origOnInputDblClick.apply(this, arguments) : void 0;
const input = this.inputs[slot];
if (!input.widget || !input[ignoreDblClick]) {
if (!(input.type in ComfyWidgets) && !(input.widget[GET_CONFIG]?.()?.[0] instanceof Array)) {
if (!(input.type in ComfyWidgets) && !(input.widget?.[GET_CONFIG]?.()?.[0] instanceof Array)) {
return r;
@ -759,4 +759,4 @@ export {
//# sourceMappingURL=widgetInputs-BJ21PG7d.js.map
//# sourceMappingURL=widgetInputs-CRPRgKEi.js.map

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web/cursor/colorSelect.png vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 373 B

web/cursor/paintBucket.png vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 410 B

web/extensions/core/maskEditorOld.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// Shim for extensions/core/maskEditorOld.ts
export const MaskEditorDialogOld = window.comfyAPI.maskEditorOld.MaskEditorDialogOld;

web/index.html vendored
View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="user.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="materialdesignicons.min.css" />
<script type="module" crossorigin src="./assets/index-B6dYHNhg.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin href="./assets/index-BCoLUtIt.css">
<script type="module" crossorigin src="./assets/index-CoOvI8ZH.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin href="./assets/index-U_o182q3.css">
<body class="litegraph grid">
<div id="vue-app"></div>