mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 14:21:20 +00:00
Refactor and improve the sag node.
Moved all the sag related code to comfy_extras/nodes_sag.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ class ModelPatcher:
self.model_options["sampler_cfg_function"] = sampler_cfg_function
def set_model_sampler_post_cfg_function(self, post_cfg_function):
self.model_options["sampler_post_cfg_function"] = self.model_options.get("sampler_post_cfg_function", []) + [post_cfg_function]
def set_model_unet_function_wrapper(self, unet_wrapper_function):
self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"] = unet_wrapper_function
@ -70,13 +73,17 @@ class ModelPatcher:
to["patches"] = {}
to["patches"][name] = to["patches"].get(name, []) + [patch]
def set_model_patch_replace(self, patch, name, block_name, number):
def set_model_patch_replace(self, patch, name, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
to = self.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches_replace" not in to:
to["patches_replace"] = {}
if name not in to["patches_replace"]:
to["patches_replace"][name] = {}
to["patches_replace"][name][(block_name, number)] = patch
if transformer_index is not None:
block = (block_name, number, transformer_index)
block = (block_name, number)
to["patches_replace"][name][block] = patch
def set_model_attn1_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn1_patch")
@ -84,11 +91,11 @@ class ModelPatcher:
def set_model_attn2_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn2_patch")
def set_model_attn1_replace(self, patch, block_name, number):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn1", block_name, number)
def set_model_attn1_replace(self, patch, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn1", block_name, number, transformer_index)
def set_model_attn2_replace(self, patch, block_name, number):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn2", block_name, number)
def set_model_attn2_replace(self, patch, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn2", block_name, number, transformer_index)
def set_model_attn1_output_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn1_output_patch")
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
from .k_diffusion import sampling as k_diffusion_sampling
from .extra_samplers import uni_pc
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import enum
from comfy import model_management
import math
@ -9,310 +8,260 @@ from comfy import model_base
import comfy.utils
import comfy.conds
def get_area_and_mult(conds, x_in, timestep_in):
area = (x_in.shape[2], x_in.shape[3], 0, 0)
strength = 1.0
if 'timestep_start' in conds:
timestep_start = conds['timestep_start']
if timestep_in[0] > timestep_start:
return None
if 'timestep_end' in conds:
timestep_end = conds['timestep_end']
if timestep_in[0] < timestep_end:
return None
if 'area' in conds:
area = conds['area']
if 'strength' in conds:
strength = conds['strength']
input_x = x_in[:,:,area[2]:area[0] + area[2],area[3]:area[1] + area[3]]
if 'mask' in conds:
# Scale the mask to the size of the input
# The mask should have been resized as we began the sampling process
mask_strength = 1.0
if "mask_strength" in conds:
mask_strength = conds["mask_strength"]
mask = conds['mask']
assert(mask.shape[1] == x_in.shape[2])
assert(mask.shape[2] == x_in.shape[3])
mask = mask[:,area[2]:area[0] + area[2],area[3]:area[1] + area[3]] * mask_strength
mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(input_x.shape[0] // mask.shape[0], input_x.shape[1], 1, 1)
mask = torch.ones_like(input_x)
mult = mask * strength
if 'mask' not in conds:
rr = 8
if area[2] != 0:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,t:1+t,:] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if (area[0] + area[2]) < x_in.shape[2]:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,area[0] - 1 - t:area[0] - t,:] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if area[3] != 0:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,:,t:1+t] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if (area[1] + area[3]) < x_in.shape[3]:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,:,area[1] - 1 - t:area[1] - t] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
conditioning = {}
model_conds = conds["model_conds"]
for c in model_conds:
conditioning[c] = model_conds[c].process_cond(batch_size=x_in.shape[0], device=x_in.device, area=area)
control = None
if 'control' in conds:
control = conds['control']
patches = None
if 'gligen' in conds:
gligen = conds['gligen']
patches = {}
gligen_type = gligen[0]
gligen_model = gligen[1]
if gligen_type == "position":
gligen_patch = gligen_model.model.set_position(input_x.shape, gligen[2], input_x.device)
gligen_patch = gligen_model.model.set_empty(input_x.shape, input_x.device)
patches['middle_patch'] = [gligen_patch]
return (input_x, mult, conditioning, area, control, patches)
def cond_equal_size(c1, c2):
if c1 is c2:
return True
if c1.keys() != c2.keys():
return False
for k in c1:
if not c1[k].can_concat(c2[k]):
return False
return True
def can_concat_cond(c1, c2):
if c1[0].shape != c2[0].shape:
return False
if (c1[4] is None) != (c2[4] is None):
return False
if c1[4] is not None:
if c1[4] is not c2[4]:
return False
if (c1[5] is None) != (c2[5] is None):
return False
if (c1[5] is not None):
if c1[5] is not c2[5]:
return False
return cond_equal_size(c1[2], c2[2])
def cond_cat(c_list):
c_crossattn = []
c_concat = []
c_adm = []
crossattn_max_len = 0
temp = {}
for x in c_list:
for k in x:
cur = temp.get(k, [])
temp[k] = cur
out = {}
for k in temp:
conds = temp[k]
out[k] = conds[0].concat(conds[1:])
return out
def calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond, x_in, timestep, model_options):
out_cond = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
out_count = torch.ones_like(x_in) * 1e-37
out_uncond = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
out_uncond_count = torch.ones_like(x_in) * 1e-37
COND = 0
to_run = []
for x in cond:
p = get_area_and_mult(x, x_in, timestep)
if p is None:
to_run += [(p, COND)]
if uncond is not None:
for x in uncond:
p = get_area_and_mult(x, x_in, timestep)
if p is None:
to_run += [(p, UNCOND)]
while len(to_run) > 0:
first = to_run[0]
first_shape = first[0][0].shape
to_batch_temp = []
for x in range(len(to_run)):
if can_concat_cond(to_run[x][0], first[0]):
to_batch_temp += [x]
to_batch = to_batch_temp[:1]
free_memory = model_management.get_free_memory(x_in.device)
for i in range(1, len(to_batch_temp) + 1):
batch_amount = to_batch_temp[:len(to_batch_temp)//i]
input_shape = [len(batch_amount) * first_shape[0]] + list(first_shape)[1:]
if model.memory_required(input_shape) < free_memory:
to_batch = batch_amount
input_x = []
mult = []
c = []
cond_or_uncond = []
area = []
control = None
patches = None
for x in to_batch:
o = to_run.pop(x)
p = o[0]
input_x += [p[0]]
mult += [p[1]]
c += [p[2]]
area += [p[3]]
cond_or_uncond += [o[1]]
control = p[4]
patches = p[5]
batch_chunks = len(cond_or_uncond)
input_x = torch.cat(input_x)
c = cond_cat(c)
timestep_ = torch.cat([timestep] * batch_chunks)
if control is not None:
c['control'] = control.get_control(input_x, timestep_, c, len(cond_or_uncond))
transformer_options = {}
if 'transformer_options' in model_options:
transformer_options = model_options['transformer_options'].copy()
if patches is not None:
if "patches" in transformer_options:
cur_patches = transformer_options["patches"].copy()
for p in patches:
if p in cur_patches:
cur_patches[p] = cur_patches[p] + patches[p]
cur_patches[p] = patches[p]
transformer_options["patches"] = patches
transformer_options["cond_or_uncond"] = cond_or_uncond[:]
transformer_options["sigmas"] = timestep
c['transformer_options'] = transformer_options
if 'model_function_wrapper' in model_options:
output = model_options['model_function_wrapper'](model.apply_model, {"input": input_x, "timestep": timestep_, "c": c, "cond_or_uncond": cond_or_uncond}).chunk(batch_chunks)
output = model.apply_model(input_x, timestep_, **c).chunk(batch_chunks)
del input_x
for o in range(batch_chunks):
if cond_or_uncond[o] == COND:
out_cond[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += output[o] * mult[o]
out_count[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += mult[o]
out_uncond[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += output[o] * mult[o]
out_uncond_count[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += mult[o]
del mult
out_cond /= out_count
del out_count
out_uncond /= out_uncond_count
del out_uncond_count
return out_cond, out_uncond
#The main sampling function shared by all the samplers
#Returns denoised
def sampling_function(model, x, timestep, uncond, cond, cond_scale, model_options={}, seed=None):
def get_area_and_mult(conds, x_in, timestep_in):
area = (x_in.shape[2], x_in.shape[3], 0, 0)
strength = 1.0
if math.isclose(cond_scale, 1.0):
uncond_ = None
uncond_ = uncond
if 'timestep_start' in conds:
timestep_start = conds['timestep_start']
if timestep_in[0] > timestep_start:
return None
if 'timestep_end' in conds:
timestep_end = conds['timestep_end']
if timestep_in[0] < timestep_end:
return None
if 'area' in conds:
area = conds['area']
if 'strength' in conds:
strength = conds['strength']
input_x = x_in[:,:,area[2]:area[0] + area[2],area[3]:area[1] + area[3]]
if 'mask' in conds:
# Scale the mask to the size of the input
# The mask should have been resized as we began the sampling process
mask_strength = 1.0
if "mask_strength" in conds:
mask_strength = conds["mask_strength"]
mask = conds['mask']
assert(mask.shape[1] == x_in.shape[2])
assert(mask.shape[2] == x_in.shape[3])
mask = mask[:,area[2]:area[0] + area[2],area[3]:area[1] + area[3]] * mask_strength
mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(input_x.shape[0] // mask.shape[0], input_x.shape[1], 1, 1)
mask = torch.ones_like(input_x)
mult = mask * strength
if 'mask' not in conds:
rr = 8
if area[2] != 0:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,t:1+t,:] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if (area[0] + area[2]) < x_in.shape[2]:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,area[0] - 1 - t:area[0] - t,:] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if area[3] != 0:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,:,t:1+t] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if (area[1] + area[3]) < x_in.shape[3]:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,:,area[1] - 1 - t:area[1] - t] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
conditioning = {}
model_conds = conds["model_conds"]
for c in model_conds:
conditioning[c] = model_conds[c].process_cond(batch_size=x_in.shape[0], device=x_in.device, area=area)
control = None
if 'control' in conds:
control = conds['control']
patches = None
if 'gligen' in conds:
gligen = conds['gligen']
patches = {}
gligen_type = gligen[0]
gligen_model = gligen[1]
if gligen_type == "position":
gligen_patch = gligen_model.model.set_position(input_x.shape, gligen[2], input_x.device)
gligen_patch = gligen_model.model.set_empty(input_x.shape, input_x.device)
patches['middle_patch'] = [gligen_patch]
return (input_x, mult, conditioning, area, control, patches)
def cond_equal_size(c1, c2):
if c1 is c2:
return True
if c1.keys() != c2.keys():
return False
for k in c1:
if not c1[k].can_concat(c2[k]):
return False
return True
def can_concat_cond(c1, c2):
if c1[0].shape != c2[0].shape:
return False
if (c1[4] is None) != (c2[4] is None):
return False
if c1[4] is not None:
if c1[4] is not c2[4]:
return False
if (c1[5] is None) != (c2[5] is None):
return False
if (c1[5] is not None):
if c1[5] is not c2[5]:
return False
return cond_equal_size(c1[2], c2[2])
def cond_cat(c_list):
c_crossattn = []
c_concat = []
c_adm = []
crossattn_max_len = 0
temp = {}
for x in c_list:
for k in x:
cur = temp.get(k, [])
temp[k] = cur
out = {}
for k in temp:
conds = temp[k]
out[k] = conds[0].concat(conds[1:])
return out
def calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond, x_in, timestep, model_options):
out_cond = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
out_count = torch.ones_like(x_in) * 1e-37
out_uncond = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
out_uncond_count = torch.ones_like(x_in) * 1e-37
COND = 0
to_run = []
for x in cond:
p = get_area_and_mult(x, x_in, timestep)
if p is None:
to_run += [(p, COND)]
if uncond is not None:
for x in uncond:
p = get_area_and_mult(x, x_in, timestep)
if p is None:
to_run += [(p, UNCOND)]
while len(to_run) > 0:
first = to_run[0]
first_shape = first[0][0].shape
to_batch_temp = []
for x in range(len(to_run)):
if can_concat_cond(to_run[x][0], first[0]):
to_batch_temp += [x]
to_batch = to_batch_temp[:1]
free_memory = model_management.get_free_memory(x_in.device)
for i in range(1, len(to_batch_temp) + 1):
batch_amount = to_batch_temp[:len(to_batch_temp)//i]
input_shape = [len(batch_amount) * first_shape[0]] + list(first_shape)[1:]
if model.memory_required(input_shape) < free_memory:
to_batch = batch_amount
input_x = []
mult = []
c = []
cond_or_uncond = []
area = []
control = None
patches = None
for x in to_batch:
o = to_run.pop(x)
p = o[0]
input_x += [p[0]]
mult += [p[1]]
c += [p[2]]
area += [p[3]]
cond_or_uncond += [o[1]]
control = p[4]
patches = p[5]
batch_chunks = len(cond_or_uncond)
input_x = torch.cat(input_x)
c = cond_cat(c)
timestep_ = torch.cat([timestep] * batch_chunks)
if control is not None:
c['control'] = control.get_control(input_x, timestep_, c, len(cond_or_uncond))
transformer_options = {}
if 'transformer_options' in model_options:
transformer_options = model_options['transformer_options'].copy()
if patches is not None:
if "patches" in transformer_options:
cur_patches = transformer_options["patches"].copy()
for p in patches:
if p in cur_patches:
cur_patches[p] = cur_patches[p] + patches[p]
cur_patches[p] = patches[p]
transformer_options["patches"] = patches
transformer_options["cond_or_uncond"] = cond_or_uncond[:]
transformer_options["sigmas"] = timestep
c['transformer_options'] = transformer_options
if 'model_function_wrapper' in model_options:
output = model_options['model_function_wrapper'](model.apply_model, {"input": input_x, "timestep": timestep_, "c": c, "cond_or_uncond": cond_or_uncond}).chunk(batch_chunks)
output = model.apply_model(input_x, timestep_, **c).chunk(batch_chunks)
del input_x
for o in range(batch_chunks):
if cond_or_uncond[o] == COND:
out_cond[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += output[o] * mult[o]
out_count[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += mult[o]
out_uncond[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += output[o] * mult[o]
out_uncond_count[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += mult[o]
del mult
out_cond /= out_count
del out_count
out_uncond /= out_uncond_count
del out_uncond_count
return out_cond, out_uncond
# if we're doing SAG, we still need to do uncond guidance, even though the cond and uncond will cancel out.
if math.isclose(cond_scale, 1.0) and "sag" not in model_options:
uncond = None
cond_pred, uncond_pred = calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond, x, timestep, model_options)
cond_pred, uncond_pred = calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond_, x, timestep, model_options)
cfg_result = uncond_pred + (cond_pred - uncond_pred) * cond_scale
if "sampler_cfg_function" in model_options:
args = {"cond": x - cond_pred, "uncond": x - uncond_pred, "cond_scale": cond_scale, "timestep": timestep, "input": x, "sigma": timestep}
cfg_result = x - model_options["sampler_cfg_function"](args)
if "sag" in model_options:
assert uncond is not None, "SAG requires uncond guidance"
sag_scale = model_options["sag_scale"]
sag_sigma = model_options["sag_sigma"]
sag_threshold = model_options.get("sag_threshold", 1.0)
for fn in model_options.get("sampler_post_cfg_function", []):
args = {"denoised": cfg_result, "cond": cond, "uncond": uncond, "model": model, "uncond_denoised": uncond_pred, "cond_denoised": cond_pred,
"sigma": timestep, "model_options": model_options, "input": x}
cfg_result = fn(args)
# these methods are added by the sag patcher
uncond_attn = model.get_attn_scores()
mid_shape = model.get_mid_block_shape()
# create the adversarially blurred image
degraded = create_blur_map(uncond_pred, uncond_attn, mid_shape, sag_sigma, sag_threshold)
degraded_noised = degraded + x - uncond_pred
# call into the UNet
(sag, _) = calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, uncond, None, degraded_noised, timestep, model_options)
cfg_result += (degraded - sag) * sag_scale
return cfg_result
def create_blur_map(x0, attn, mid_shape, sigma=3.0, threshold=1.0):
# reshape and GAP the attention map
_, hw1, hw2 = attn.shape
b, _, lh, lw = x0.shape
attn = attn.reshape(b, -1, hw1, hw2)
# Global Average Pool
mask = attn.mean(1, keepdim=False).sum(1, keepdim=False) > threshold
# Reshape
mask = (
mask.reshape(b, *mid_shape)
# Upsample
mask = F.interpolate(mask, (lh, lw))
blurred = gaussian_blur_2d(x0, kernel_size=9, sigma=sigma)
blurred = blurred * mask + x0 * (1 - mask)
return blurred
def gaussian_blur_2d(img, kernel_size, sigma):
ksize_half = (kernel_size - 1) * 0.5
x = torch.linspace(-ksize_half, ksize_half, steps=kernel_size)
pdf = torch.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma).pow(2))
x_kernel = pdf / pdf.sum()
x_kernel = x_kernel.to(device=img.device, dtype=img.dtype)
kernel2d = torch.mm(x_kernel[:, None], x_kernel[None, :])
kernel2d = kernel2d.expand(img.shape[-3], 1, kernel2d.shape[0], kernel2d.shape[1])
padding = [kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2]
img = F.pad(img, padding, mode="reflect")
img = F.conv2d(img, kernel2d, groups=img.shape[-3])
return img
class CFGNoisePredictor(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
import torch
from torch import einsum
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math
from einops import rearrange, repeat
import os
from comfy.ldm.modules.attention import optimized_attention, _ATTN_PRECISION
import comfy.samplers
# from comfy/ldm/modules/attention.py
# but modified to return attention scores as well as output
@ -49,7 +53,49 @@ def attention_basic_with_sim(q, k, v, heads, mask=None):
return (out, sim)
class SagNode:
def create_blur_map(x0, attn, sigma=3.0, threshold=1.0):
# reshape and GAP the attention map
_, hw1, hw2 = attn.shape
b, _, lh, lw = x0.shape
attn = attn.reshape(b, -1, hw1, hw2)
# Global Average Pool
mask = attn.mean(1, keepdim=False).sum(1, keepdim=False) > threshold
ratio = round(math.sqrt(lh * lw / hw1))
mid_shape = [math.ceil(lh / ratio), math.ceil(lw / ratio)]
# Reshape
mask = (
mask.reshape(b, *mid_shape)
# Upsample
mask = F.interpolate(mask, (lh, lw))
blurred = gaussian_blur_2d(x0, kernel_size=9, sigma=sigma)
blurred = blurred * mask + x0 * (1 - mask)
return blurred
def gaussian_blur_2d(img, kernel_size, sigma):
ksize_half = (kernel_size - 1) * 0.5
x = torch.linspace(-ksize_half, ksize_half, steps=kernel_size)
pdf = torch.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma).pow(2))
x_kernel = pdf / pdf.sum()
x_kernel = x_kernel.to(device=img.device, dtype=img.dtype)
kernel2d = torch.mm(x_kernel[:, None], x_kernel[None, :])
kernel2d = kernel2d.expand(img.shape[-3], 1, kernel2d.shape[0], kernel2d.shape[1])
padding = [kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2]
img = F.pad(img, padding, mode="reflect")
img = F.conv2d(img, kernel2d, groups=img.shape[-3])
return img
class SelfAttentionGuidance:
return {"required": { "model": ("MODEL",),
@ -63,15 +109,9 @@ class SagNode:
def patch(self, model, scale, blur_sigma):
m = model.clone()
# set extra options on the model
m.model_options["sag"] = True
m.model_options["sag_scale"] = scale
m.model_options["sag_sigma"] = blur_sigma
attn_scores = None
mid_block_shape = None
m.model.get_attn_scores = lambda: attn_scores
m.model.get_mid_block_shape = lambda: mid_block_shape
# TODO: make this work properly with chunked batches
# currently, we can only save the attn from one UNet call
@ -92,24 +132,41 @@ class SagNode:
return optimized_attention(q, k, v, heads=heads)
def post_cfg_function(args):
nonlocal attn_scores
nonlocal mid_block_shape
uncond_attn = attn_scores
sag_scale = scale
sag_sigma = blur_sigma
sag_threshold = 1.0
model = args["model"]
uncond_pred = args["uncond_denoised"]
uncond = args["uncond"]
cfg_result = args["denoised"]
sigma = args["sigma"]
model_options = args["model_options"]
x = args["input"]
# create the adversarially blurred image
degraded = create_blur_map(uncond_pred, uncond_attn, sag_sigma, sag_threshold)
degraded_noised = degraded + x - uncond_pred
# call into the UNet
(sag, _) = comfy.samplers.calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, uncond, None, degraded_noised, sigma, model_options)
return cfg_result + (degraded - sag) * sag_scale
# from diffusers:
# unet.mid_block.attentions[0].transformer_blocks[0].attn1.patch
def set_model_patch_replace(patch, name, key):
to = m.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches_replace" not in to:
to["patches_replace"] = {}
if name not in to["patches_replace"]:
to["patches_replace"][name] = {}
to["patches_replace"][name][key] = patch
set_model_patch_replace(attn_and_record, "attn1", ("middle", 0, 0))
# from diffusers:
# unet.mid_block.attentions[0].register_forward_hook()
def forward_hook(m, inp, out):
nonlocal mid_block_shape
mid_block_shape = out[0].shape[-2:]
m.set_model_attn1_replace(attn_and_record, "middle", 0, 0)
return (m, )
"Self-Attention Guidance": SagNode,
"SelfAttentionGuidance": SelfAttentionGuidance,
"SelfAttentionGuidance": "Self-Attention Guidance",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user