var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); import { I as defineStore, U as ref, c as computed } from "./index-DqqhYDnY.js"; const useServerConfigStore = defineStore("serverConfig", () => { const serverConfigById = ref({}); const serverConfigs = computed(() => { return Object.values(serverConfigById.value); }); const modifiedConfigs = computed( () => { return serverConfigs.value.filter((config) => { return config.initialValue !== config.value; }); } ); const revertChanges = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { for (const config of modifiedConfigs.value) { config.value = config.initialValue; } }, "revertChanges"); const serverConfigsByCategory = computed(() => { return serverConfigs.value.reduce( (acc, config) => { const category = config.category?.[0] ?? "General"; acc[category] = acc[category] || []; acc[category].push(config); return acc; }, {} ); }); const serverConfigValues = computed(() => { return Object.fromEntries( => { return [, config.value === config.defaultValue || config.value === null || config.value === void 0 ? void 0 : config.value ]; }) ); }); const launchArgs = computed(() => { const args = Object.assign( {}, => { if (config.value === config.defaultValue || config.value === null || config.value === void 0) { return {}; } return config.getValue ? config.getValue(config.value) : { []: config.value }; }) ); return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(args).map(([key, value]) => { if (value === true) { return [key, ""]; } return [key, value.toString()]; }) ); }); const commandLineArgs = computed(() => { return Object.entries(launchArgs.value).map(([key, value]) => [`--${key}`, value]).flat().filter((arg) => arg !== "").join(" "); }); function loadServerConfig(configs, values) { for (const config of configs) { const value = values[] ?? config.defaultValue; serverConfigById.value[] = { ...config, value, initialValue: value }; } } __name(loadServerConfig, "loadServerConfig"); return { serverConfigById, serverConfigs, modifiedConfigs, serverConfigsByCategory, serverConfigValues, launchArgs, commandLineArgs, revertChanges, loadServerConfig }; }); export { useServerConfigStore as u }; //#