import { LGraphNode, IWidget } from "./litegraph"; import { ComfyApp } from "../../scripts/app"; export interface ComfyExtension { /** * The name of the extension */ name: string; /** * Allows any initialisation, e.g. loading resources. Called after the canvas is created but before nodes are added * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ init(app: ComfyApp): Promise<void>; /** * Allows any additonal setup, called after the application is fully set up and running * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ setup(app: ComfyApp): Promise<void>; /** * Called before nodes are registered with the graph * @param defs The collection of node definitions, add custom ones or edit existing ones * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ addCustomNodeDefs(defs: Record<string, ComfyObjectInfo>, app: ComfyApp): Promise<void>; /** * Allows the extension to add custom widgets * @param app The ComfyUI app instance * @returns An array of {[widget name]: widget data} */ getCustomWidgets( app: ComfyApp ): Promise< Record<string, (node, inputName, inputData, app) => { widget?: IWidget; minWidth?: number; minHeight?: number }> >; /** * Allows the extension to add additional handling to the node before it is registered with LGraph * @param nodeType The node class (not an instance) * @param nodeData The original node object info config object * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType: typeof LGraphNode, nodeData: ComfyObjectInfo, app: ComfyApp): Promise<void>; /** * Allows the extension to register additional nodes with LGraph after standard nodes are added * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ registerCustomNodes(app: ComfyApp): Promise<void>; /** * Allows the extension to modify a node that has been reloaded onto the graph. * If you break something in the backend and want to patch workflows in the frontend * This is the place to do this * @param node The node that has been loaded * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ loadedGraphNode(node: LGraphNode, app: ComfyApp); /** * Allows the extension to run code after the constructor of the node * @param node The node that has been created * @param app The ComfyUI app instance */ nodeCreated(node: LGraphNode, app: ComfyApp); } export type ComfyObjectInfo = { name: string; display_name?: string; description?: string; category: string; input?: { required?: Record<string, ComfyObjectInfoConfig>; optional?: Record<string, ComfyObjectInfoConfig>; }; output?: string[]; output_name: string[]; }; export type ComfyObjectInfoConfig = [string | any[]] | [string | any[], any];