mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:02:14 +00:00

This is the code to load the model and inference it with only a text prompt. This commit does not contain the nodes to properly use it with an image input. This supports both the original SD1 instructpix2pix model and the diffusers SDXL one.
377 lines
21 KiB
377 lines
21 KiB
import comfy.supported_models
import comfy.supported_models_base
import logging
def count_blocks(state_dict_keys, prefix_string):
count = 0
while True:
c = False
for k in state_dict_keys:
if k.startswith(prefix_string.format(count)):
c = True
if c == False:
count += 1
return count
def calculate_transformer_depth(prefix, state_dict_keys, state_dict):
context_dim = None
use_linear_in_transformer = False
transformer_prefix = prefix + "1.transformer_blocks."
transformer_keys = sorted(list(filter(lambda a: a.startswith(transformer_prefix), state_dict_keys)))
if len(transformer_keys) > 0:
last_transformer_depth = count_blocks(state_dict_keys, transformer_prefix + '{}')
context_dim = state_dict['{}0.attn2.to_k.weight'.format(transformer_prefix)].shape[1]
use_linear_in_transformer = len(state_dict['{}1.proj_in.weight'.format(prefix)].shape) == 2
time_stack = '{}1.time_stack.0.attn1.to_q.weight'.format(prefix) in state_dict or '{}1.time_mix_blocks.0.attn1.to_q.weight'.format(prefix) in state_dict
return last_transformer_depth, context_dim, use_linear_in_transformer, time_stack
return None
def detect_unet_config(state_dict, key_prefix):
state_dict_keys = list(state_dict.keys())
if '{}clf.1.weight'.format(key_prefix) in state_dict_keys: #stable cascade
unet_config = {}
text_mapper_name = '{}clip_txt_mapper.weight'.format(key_prefix)
if text_mapper_name in state_dict_keys:
unet_config['stable_cascade_stage'] = 'c'
w = state_dict[text_mapper_name]
if w.shape[0] == 1536: #stage c lite
unet_config['c_cond'] = 1536
unet_config['c_hidden'] = [1536, 1536]
unet_config['nhead'] = [24, 24]
unet_config['blocks'] = [[4, 12], [12, 4]]
elif w.shape[0] == 2048: #stage c full
unet_config['c_cond'] = 2048
elif '{}clip_mapper.weight'.format(key_prefix) in state_dict_keys:
unet_config['stable_cascade_stage'] = 'b'
w = state_dict['{}down_blocks.1.0.channelwise.0.weight'.format(key_prefix)]
if w.shape[-1] == 640:
unet_config['c_hidden'] = [320, 640, 1280, 1280]
unet_config['nhead'] = [-1, -1, 20, 20]
unet_config['blocks'] = [[2, 6, 28, 6], [6, 28, 6, 2]]
unet_config['block_repeat'] = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [3, 3, 2, 2]]
elif w.shape[-1] == 576: #stage b lite
unet_config['c_hidden'] = [320, 576, 1152, 1152]
unet_config['nhead'] = [-1, 9, 18, 18]
unet_config['blocks'] = [[2, 4, 14, 4], [4, 14, 4, 2]]
unet_config['block_repeat'] = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]]
return unet_config
unet_config = {
"use_checkpoint": False,
"image_size": 32,
"use_spatial_transformer": True,
"legacy": False
y_input = '{}label_emb.0.0.weight'.format(key_prefix)
if y_input in state_dict_keys:
unet_config["num_classes"] = "sequential"
unet_config["adm_in_channels"] = state_dict[y_input].shape[1]
unet_config["adm_in_channels"] = None
model_channels = state_dict['{}input_blocks.0.0.weight'.format(key_prefix)].shape[0]
in_channels = state_dict['{}input_blocks.0.0.weight'.format(key_prefix)].shape[1]
out_key = '{}out.2.weight'.format(key_prefix)
if out_key in state_dict:
out_channels = state_dict[out_key].shape[0]
out_channels = 4
num_res_blocks = []
channel_mult = []
attention_resolutions = []
transformer_depth = []
transformer_depth_output = []
context_dim = None
use_linear_in_transformer = False
video_model = False
current_res = 1
count = 0
last_res_blocks = 0
last_channel_mult = 0
input_block_count = count_blocks(state_dict_keys, '{}input_blocks'.format(key_prefix) + '.{}.')
for count in range(input_block_count):
prefix = '{}input_blocks.{}.'.format(key_prefix, count)
prefix_output = '{}output_blocks.{}.'.format(key_prefix, input_block_count - count - 1)
block_keys = sorted(list(filter(lambda a: a.startswith(prefix), state_dict_keys)))
if len(block_keys) == 0:
block_keys_output = sorted(list(filter(lambda a: a.startswith(prefix_output), state_dict_keys)))
if "{}0.op.weight".format(prefix) in block_keys: #new layer
current_res *= 2
last_res_blocks = 0
last_channel_mult = 0
out = calculate_transformer_depth(prefix_output, state_dict_keys, state_dict)
if out is not None:
res_block_prefix = "{}0.in_layers.0.weight".format(prefix)
if res_block_prefix in block_keys:
last_res_blocks += 1
last_channel_mult = state_dict["{}0.out_layers.3.weight".format(prefix)].shape[0] // model_channels
out = calculate_transformer_depth(prefix, state_dict_keys, state_dict)
if out is not None:
if context_dim is None:
context_dim = out[1]
use_linear_in_transformer = out[2]
video_model = out[3]
res_block_prefix = "{}0.in_layers.0.weight".format(prefix_output)
if res_block_prefix in block_keys_output:
out = calculate_transformer_depth(prefix_output, state_dict_keys, state_dict)
if out is not None:
if "{}middle_block.1.proj_in.weight".format(key_prefix) in state_dict_keys:
transformer_depth_middle = count_blocks(state_dict_keys, '{}middle_block.1.transformer_blocks.'.format(key_prefix) + '{}')
elif "{}middle_block.0.in_layers.0.weight".format(key_prefix) in state_dict_keys:
transformer_depth_middle = -1
transformer_depth_middle = -2
unet_config["in_channels"] = in_channels
unet_config["out_channels"] = out_channels
unet_config["model_channels"] = model_channels
unet_config["num_res_blocks"] = num_res_blocks
unet_config["transformer_depth"] = transformer_depth
unet_config["transformer_depth_output"] = transformer_depth_output
unet_config["channel_mult"] = channel_mult
unet_config["transformer_depth_middle"] = transformer_depth_middle
unet_config['use_linear_in_transformer'] = use_linear_in_transformer
unet_config["context_dim"] = context_dim
if video_model:
unet_config["extra_ff_mix_layer"] = True
unet_config["use_spatial_context"] = True
unet_config["merge_strategy"] = "learned_with_images"
unet_config["merge_factor"] = 0.0
unet_config["video_kernel_size"] = [3, 1, 1]
unet_config["use_temporal_resblock"] = True
unet_config["use_temporal_attention"] = True
unet_config["use_temporal_resblock"] = False
unet_config["use_temporal_attention"] = False
return unet_config
def model_config_from_unet_config(unet_config, state_dict=None):
for model_config in comfy.supported_models.models:
if model_config.matches(unet_config, state_dict):
return model_config(unet_config)
logging.error("no match {}".format(unet_config))
return None
def model_config_from_unet(state_dict, unet_key_prefix, use_base_if_no_match=False):
unet_config = detect_unet_config(state_dict, unet_key_prefix)
model_config = model_config_from_unet_config(unet_config, state_dict)
if model_config is None and use_base_if_no_match:
return comfy.supported_models_base.BASE(unet_config)
return model_config
def convert_config(unet_config):
new_config = unet_config.copy()
num_res_blocks = new_config.get("num_res_blocks", None)
channel_mult = new_config.get("channel_mult", None)
if isinstance(num_res_blocks, int):
num_res_blocks = len(channel_mult) * [num_res_blocks]
if "attention_resolutions" in new_config:
attention_resolutions = new_config.pop("attention_resolutions")
transformer_depth = new_config.get("transformer_depth", None)
transformer_depth_middle = new_config.get("transformer_depth_middle", None)
if isinstance(transformer_depth, int):
transformer_depth = len(channel_mult) * [transformer_depth]
if transformer_depth_middle is None:
transformer_depth_middle = transformer_depth[-1]
t_in = []
t_out = []
s = 1
for i in range(len(num_res_blocks)):
res = num_res_blocks[i]
d = 0
if s in attention_resolutions:
d = transformer_depth[i]
t_in += [d] * res
t_out += [d] * (res + 1)
s *= 2
transformer_depth = t_in
transformer_depth_output = t_out
new_config["transformer_depth"] = t_in
new_config["transformer_depth_output"] = t_out
new_config["transformer_depth_middle"] = transformer_depth_middle
new_config["num_res_blocks"] = num_res_blocks
return new_config
def unet_config_from_diffusers_unet(state_dict, dtype=None):
match = {}
transformer_depth = []
attn_res = 1
down_blocks = count_blocks(state_dict, "down_blocks.{}")
for i in range(down_blocks):
attn_blocks = count_blocks(state_dict, "down_blocks.{}.attentions.".format(i) + '{}')
res_blocks = count_blocks(state_dict, "down_blocks.{}.resnets.".format(i) + '{}')
for ab in range(attn_blocks):
transformer_count = count_blocks(state_dict, "down_blocks.{}.attentions.{}.transformer_blocks.".format(i, ab) + '{}')
if transformer_count > 0:
match["context_dim"] = state_dict["down_blocks.{}.attentions.{}.transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_k.weight".format(i, ab)].shape[1]
attn_res *= 2
if attn_blocks == 0:
for i in range(res_blocks):
match["transformer_depth"] = transformer_depth
match["model_channels"] = state_dict["conv_in.weight"].shape[0]
match["in_channels"] = state_dict["conv_in.weight"].shape[1]
match["adm_in_channels"] = None
if "class_embedding.linear_1.weight" in state_dict:
match["adm_in_channels"] = state_dict["class_embedding.linear_1.weight"].shape[1]
elif "add_embedding.linear_1.weight" in state_dict:
match["adm_in_channels"] = state_dict["add_embedding.linear_1.weight"].shape[1]
SDXL = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 2, 2, 10, 10], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 10,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SDXL_refiner = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2560, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 384,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 4,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 1280, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SD21 = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'adm_in_channels': None, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320, 'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2, 2],
'transformer_depth': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 1, 'use_linear_in_transformer': True,
'context_dim': 1024, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SD21_uncliph = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2048, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 1,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 1024, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SD21_unclipl = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 1536, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 1,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 1024, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SD15 = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False, 'adm_in_channels': None,
'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320, 'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 1, 'use_linear_in_transformer': False, 'context_dim': 768, 'num_heads': 8,
'transformer_depth_output': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SDXL_mid_cnet = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 1,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SDXL_small_cnet = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 0,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'context_dim': 1, 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SDXL_diffusers_inpaint = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 9, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 2, 2, 10, 10], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 10,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SDXL_diffusers_ip2p = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 8, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 2, 2, 10, 10], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 10,
'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SSD_1B = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4], 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 10, 4, 4],
'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': -1, 'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64,
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
Segmind_Vega = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [2, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth': [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2],
'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': -1, 'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64,
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
KOALA_700M = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [1, 1, 1], 'transformer_depth': [0, 2, 5], 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 2, 2, 5, 5],
'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': -2, 'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64,
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
KOALA_1B = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'num_classes': 'sequential', 'adm_in_channels': 2816, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320,
'num_res_blocks': [1, 1, 1], 'transformer_depth': [0, 2, 6], 'transformer_depth_output': [0, 0, 2, 2, 6, 6],
'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': 6, 'use_linear_in_transformer': True, 'context_dim': 2048, 'num_head_channels': 64,
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False}
SD09_XS = {'use_checkpoint': False, 'image_size': 32, 'out_channels': 4, 'use_spatial_transformer': True, 'legacy': False,
'adm_in_channels': None, 'dtype': dtype, 'in_channels': 4, 'model_channels': 320, 'num_res_blocks': [1, 1, 1],
'transformer_depth': [1, 1, 1], 'channel_mult': [1, 2, 4], 'transformer_depth_middle': -2, 'use_linear_in_transformer': True,
'context_dim': 1024, 'num_head_channels': 64, 'transformer_depth_output': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
'use_temporal_attention': False, 'use_temporal_resblock': False, 'disable_self_attentions': [True, False, False]}
supported_models = [SDXL, SDXL_refiner, SD21, SD15, SD21_uncliph, SD21_unclipl, SDXL_mid_cnet, SDXL_small_cnet, SDXL_diffusers_inpaint, SSD_1B, Segmind_Vega, KOALA_700M, KOALA_1B, SD09_XS, SDXL_diffusers_ip2p]
for unet_config in supported_models:
matches = True
for k in match:
if match[k] != unet_config[k]:
matches = False
if matches:
return convert_config(unet_config)
return None
def model_config_from_diffusers_unet(state_dict):
unet_config = unet_config_from_diffusers_unet(state_dict)
if unet_config is not None:
return model_config_from_unet_config(unet_config)
return None