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synced 2025-03-13 06:11:09 +00:00

It can be useful to paste images from the clipboard directly into the node graph. This commit modifies copy and paste handling to support this. When an image file is found in the clipboard, we check whether an image node is selected. If so, paste the image into that node. Otherwise, a new node is created. If no image data are found in the clipboard, we call the original Litegraph paste. To ensure that onCopy and onPaste events are fired, we override Litegraph's ctrl+c and ctrl+v handling. Try to detect whether the pasted image is a real file on disk, or just pixel data copied from e.g. Photoshop. Pasted pixel data will be called 'image.png' and have a creation time of now. If it is simply pasted data, we store it in the subfolder /input/clipboard/. This also adds support for the subfolder property in the IMAGEUPLOAD widget.
479 lines
13 KiB
479 lines
13 KiB
import { api } from "./api.js"
function getNumberDefaults(inputData, defaultStep) {
let defaultVal = inputData[1]["default"];
let { min, max, step } = inputData[1];
if (defaultVal == undefined) defaultVal = 0;
if (min == undefined) min = 0;
if (max == undefined) max = 2048;
if (step == undefined) step = defaultStep;
return { val: defaultVal, config: { min, max, step: 10.0 * step } };
export function addValueControlWidget(node, targetWidget, defaultValue = "randomize", values) {
const valueControl = node.addWidget("combo", "control_after_generate", defaultValue, function (v) { }, {
values: ["fixed", "increment", "decrement", "randomize"],
serialize: false, // Don't include this in prompt.
valueControl.afterQueued = () => {
var v = valueControl.value;
if (targetWidget.type == "combo" && v !== "fixed") {
let current_index = targetWidget.options.values.indexOf(targetWidget.value);
let current_length = targetWidget.options.values.length;
switch (v) {
case "increment":
current_index += 1;
case "decrement":
current_index -= 1;
case "randomize":
current_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * current_length);
current_index = Math.max(0, current_index);
current_index = Math.min(current_length - 1, current_index);
if (current_index >= 0) {
let value = targetWidget.options.values[current_index];
targetWidget.value = value;
} else { //number
let min = targetWidget.options.min;
let max = targetWidget.options.max;
// limit to something that javascript can handle
max = Math.min(1125899906842624, max);
min = Math.max(-1125899906842624, min);
let range = (max - min) / (targetWidget.options.step / 10);
//adjust values based on valueControl Behaviour
switch (v) {
case "fixed":
case "increment":
targetWidget.value += targetWidget.options.step / 10;
case "decrement":
targetWidget.value -= targetWidget.options.step / 10;
case "randomize":
targetWidget.value = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) * (targetWidget.options.step / 10) + min;
/*check if values are over or under their respective
* ranges and set them to min or max.*/
if (targetWidget.value < min)
targetWidget.value = min;
if (targetWidget.value > max)
targetWidget.value = max;
return valueControl;
function seedWidget(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
const seed = ComfyWidgets.INT(node, inputName, inputData, app);
const seedControl = addValueControlWidget(node, seed.widget, "randomize");
seed.widget.linkedWidgets = [seedControl];
return seed;
const MultilineSymbol = Symbol();
const MultilineResizeSymbol = Symbol();
function addMultilineWidget(node, name, opts, app) {
const MIN_SIZE = 50;
function computeSize(size) {
if (node.widgets[0].last_y == null) return;
let y = node.widgets[0].last_y;
let freeSpace = size[1] - y;
// Compute the height of all non customtext widgets
let widgetHeight = 0;
const multi = [];
for (let i = 0; i < node.widgets.length; i++) {
const w = node.widgets[i];
if (w.type === "customtext") {
} else {
if (w.computeSize) {
widgetHeight += w.computeSize()[1] + 4;
} else {
widgetHeight += LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT + 4;
// See how large each text input can be
freeSpace -= widgetHeight;
freeSpace /= multi.length + (!!node.imgs?.length);
if (freeSpace < MIN_SIZE) {
// There isnt enough space for all the widgets, increase the size of the node
freeSpace = MIN_SIZE;
node.size[1] = y + widgetHeight + freeSpace * (multi.length + (!!node.imgs?.length));
// Position each of the widgets
for (const w of node.widgets) {
w.y = y;
if (w.type === "customtext") {
y += freeSpace;
w.computedHeight = freeSpace - multi.length*4;
} else if (w.computeSize) {
y += w.computeSize()[1] + 4;
} else {
y += LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT + 4;
node.inputHeight = freeSpace;
const widget = {
type: "customtext",
get value() {
return this.inputEl.value;
set value(x) {
this.inputEl.value = x;
draw: function (ctx, _, widgetWidth, y, widgetHeight) {
if (!this.parent.inputHeight) {
// If we are initially offscreen when created we wont have received a resize event
// Calculate it here instead
const visible = app.canvas.ds.scale > 0.5 && this.type === "customtext";
const margin = 10;
const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const transform = new DOMMatrix()
.scaleSelf(elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width, elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height)
.translateSelf(margin, margin + y);
const scale = new DOMMatrix().scaleSelf(transform.a, transform.d)
Object.assign(this.inputEl.style, {
transformOrigin: "0 0",
transform: scale,
left: `${transform.a + transform.e}px`,
top: `${transform.d + transform.f}px`,
width: `${widgetWidth - (margin * 2)}px`,
height: `${this.parent.inputHeight - (margin * 2)}px`,
position: "absolute",
background: (!node.color)?'':node.color,
color: (!node.color)?'':'white',
zIndex: app.graph._nodes.indexOf(node),
this.inputEl.hidden = !visible;
widget.inputEl = document.createElement("textarea");
widget.inputEl.className = "comfy-multiline-input";
widget.inputEl.value = opts.defaultVal;
widget.inputEl.placeholder = opts.placeholder || "";
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function (event) {
if (!widget.inputEl.contains(event.target)) {
widget.parent = node;
app.canvas.onDrawBackground = function () {
// Draw node isnt fired once the node is off the screen
// if it goes off screen quickly, the input may not be removed
// this shifts it off screen so it can be moved back if the node is visible.
for (let n in app.graph._nodes) {
n = graph._nodes[n];
for (let w in n.widgets) {
let wid = n.widgets[w];
if (Object.hasOwn(wid, "inputEl")) {
wid.inputEl.style.left = -8000 + "px";
wid.inputEl.style.position = "absolute";
node.onRemoved = function () {
// When removing this node we need to remove the input from the DOM
for (let y in this.widgets) {
if (this.widgets[y].inputEl) {
widget.onRemove = () => {
// Restore original size handler if we are the last
if (!--node[MultilineSymbol]) {
node.onResize = node[MultilineResizeSymbol];
delete node[MultilineSymbol];
delete node[MultilineResizeSymbol];
if (node[MultilineSymbol]) {
} else {
node[MultilineSymbol] = 1;
const onResize = (node[MultilineResizeSymbol] = node.onResize);
node.onResize = function (size) {
// Call original resizer handler
if (onResize) {
onResize.apply(this, arguments);
return { minWidth: 400, minHeight: 200, widget };
function isSlider(display, app) {
if (app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("Comfy.DisableSliders")) {
return "number"
return (display==="slider") ? "slider" : "number"
export const ComfyWidgets = {
"INT:seed": seedWidget,
"INT:noise_seed": seedWidget,
FLOAT(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
let widgetType = isSlider(inputData[1]["display"], app);
const { val, config } = getNumberDefaults(inputData, 0.5);
return { widget: node.addWidget(widgetType, inputName, val, () => {}, config) };
INT(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
let widgetType = isSlider(inputData[1]["display"], app);
const { val, config } = getNumberDefaults(inputData, 1);
Object.assign(config, { precision: 0 });
return {
widget: node.addWidget(
function (v) {
const s = this.options.step / 10;
this.value = Math.round(v / s) * s;
BOOLEAN(node, inputName, inputData) {
let defaultVal = inputData[1]["default"];
return {
widget: node.addWidget(
() => {},
{"on": inputData[1].label_on, "off": inputData[1].label_off}
STRING(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
const defaultVal = inputData[1].default || "";
const multiline = !!inputData[1].multiline;
let res;
if (multiline) {
res = addMultilineWidget(node, inputName, { defaultVal, ...inputData[1] }, app);
} else {
res = { widget: node.addWidget("text", inputName, defaultVal, () => {}, {}) };
if(inputData[1].dynamicPrompts != undefined)
res.widget.dynamicPrompts = inputData[1].dynamicPrompts;
return res;
COMBO(node, inputName, inputData) {
const type = inputData[0];
let defaultValue = type[0];
if (inputData[1] && inputData[1].default) {
defaultValue = inputData[1].default;
return { widget: node.addWidget("combo", inputName, defaultValue, () => {}, { values: type }) };
IMAGEUPLOAD(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
const imageWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => w.name === "image");
let uploadWidget;
function showImage(name) {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {
node.imgs = [img];
let folder_separator = name.lastIndexOf("/");
let subfolder = "";
if (folder_separator > -1) {
subfolder = name.substring(0, folder_separator);
name = name.substring(folder_separator + 1);
img.src = api.apiURL(`/view?filename=${name}&type=input&subfolder=${subfolder}${app.getPreviewFormatParam()}`);
var default_value = imageWidget.value;
Object.defineProperty(imageWidget, "value", {
set : function(value) {
this._real_value = value;
get : function() {
let value = "";
if (this._real_value) {
value = this._real_value;
} else {
return default_value;
if (value.filename) {
let real_value = value;
value = "";
if (real_value.subfolder) {
value = real_value.subfolder + "/";
value += real_value.filename;
if(real_value.type && real_value.type !== "input")
value += ` [${real_value.type}]`;
return value;
// Add our own callback to the combo widget to render an image when it changes
const cb = node.callback;
imageWidget.callback = function () {
if (cb) {
return cb.apply(this, arguments);
// On load if we have a value then render the image
// The value isnt set immediately so we need to wait a moment
// No change callbacks seem to be fired on initial setting of the value
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (imageWidget.value) {
async function uploadFile(file, updateNode, pasted = false) {
try {
// Wrap file in formdata so it includes filename
const body = new FormData();
body.append("image", file);
if (pasted) body.append("subfolder", "pasted");
const resp = await api.fetchApi("/upload/image", {
method: "POST",
if (resp.status === 200) {
const data = await resp.json();
// Add the file to the dropdown list and update the widget value
let path = data.name;
if (data.subfolder) path = data.subfolder + "/" + path;
if (!imageWidget.options.values.includes(path)) {
if (updateNode) {
imageWidget.value = path;
} else {
alert(resp.status + " - " + resp.statusText);
} catch (error) {
const fileInput = document.createElement("input");
Object.assign(fileInput, {
type: "file",
accept: "image/jpeg,image/png,image/webp",
style: "display: none",
onchange: async () => {
if (fileInput.files.length) {
await uploadFile(fileInput.files[0], true);
// Create the button widget for selecting the files
uploadWidget = node.addWidget("button", "choose file to upload", "image", () => {
uploadWidget.serialize = false;
// Add handler to check if an image is being dragged over our node
node.onDragOver = function (e) {
if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.items) {
const image = [...e.dataTransfer.items].find((f) => f.kind === "file");
return !!image;
return false;
// On drop upload files
node.onDragDrop = function (e) {
console.log("onDragDrop called");
let handled = false;
for (const file of e.dataTransfer.files) {
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) {
uploadFile(file, !handled); // Dont await these, any order is fine, only update on first one
handled = true;
return handled;
node.pasteFile = function(file) {
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) {
const is_pasted = (file.name === "image.png") &&
(file.lastModified - Date.now() < 2000);
uploadFile(file, true, is_pasted);
return true;
return false;
return { widget: uploadWidget };