comfyanonymous dcec1047e6 Invert the start and end percentages in the code.
This doesn't affect how percentages behave in the frontend but breaks
things if you relied on them in the backend.

percent_to_sigma goes from 0 to 1.0 instead of 1.0 to 0 for less confusion.

Make percent 0 return an extremely large sigma and percent 1.0 return a
zero one to fix imprecision.
2023-11-16 04:23:44 -05:00

712 lines
28 KiB

from .k_diffusion import sampling as k_diffusion_sampling
from .extra_samplers import uni_pc
import torch
import enum
from comfy import model_management
import math
from comfy import model_base
import comfy.utils
import comfy.conds
#The main sampling function shared by all the samplers
#Returns denoised
def sampling_function(model, x, timestep, uncond, cond, cond_scale, model_options={}, seed=None):
def get_area_and_mult(conds, x_in, timestep_in):
area = (x_in.shape[2], x_in.shape[3], 0, 0)
strength = 1.0
if 'timestep_start' in conds:
timestep_start = conds['timestep_start']
if timestep_in[0] > timestep_start:
return None
if 'timestep_end' in conds:
timestep_end = conds['timestep_end']
if timestep_in[0] < timestep_end:
return None
if 'area' in conds:
area = conds['area']
if 'strength' in conds:
strength = conds['strength']
input_x = x_in[:,:,area[2]:area[0] + area[2],area[3]:area[1] + area[3]]
if 'mask' in conds:
# Scale the mask to the size of the input
# The mask should have been resized as we began the sampling process
mask_strength = 1.0
if "mask_strength" in conds:
mask_strength = conds["mask_strength"]
mask = conds['mask']
assert(mask.shape[1] == x_in.shape[2])
assert(mask.shape[2] == x_in.shape[3])
mask = mask[:,area[2]:area[0] + area[2],area[3]:area[1] + area[3]] * mask_strength
mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(input_x.shape[0] // mask.shape[0], input_x.shape[1], 1, 1)
mask = torch.ones_like(input_x)
mult = mask * strength
if 'mask' not in conds:
rr = 8
if area[2] != 0:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,t:1+t,:] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if (area[0] + area[2]) < x_in.shape[2]:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,area[0] - 1 - t:area[0] - t,:] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if area[3] != 0:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,:,t:1+t] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
if (area[1] + area[3]) < x_in.shape[3]:
for t in range(rr):
mult[:,:,:,area[1] - 1 - t:area[1] - t] *= ((1.0/rr) * (t + 1))
conditionning = {}
model_conds = conds["model_conds"]
for c in model_conds:
conditionning[c] = model_conds[c].process_cond(batch_size=x_in.shape[0], device=x_in.device, area=area)
control = None
if 'control' in conds:
control = conds['control']
patches = None
if 'gligen' in conds:
gligen = conds['gligen']
patches = {}
gligen_type = gligen[0]
gligen_model = gligen[1]
if gligen_type == "position":
gligen_patch = gligen_model.model.set_position(input_x.shape, gligen[2], input_x.device)
gligen_patch = gligen_model.model.set_empty(input_x.shape, input_x.device)
patches['middle_patch'] = [gligen_patch]
return (input_x, mult, conditionning, area, control, patches)
def cond_equal_size(c1, c2):
if c1 is c2:
return True
if c1.keys() != c2.keys():
return False
for k in c1:
if not c1[k].can_concat(c2[k]):
return False
return True
def can_concat_cond(c1, c2):
if c1[0].shape != c2[0].shape:
return False
if (c1[4] is None) != (c2[4] is None):
return False
if c1[4] is not None:
if c1[4] is not c2[4]:
return False
if (c1[5] is None) != (c2[5] is None):
return False
if (c1[5] is not None):
if c1[5] is not c2[5]:
return False
return cond_equal_size(c1[2], c2[2])
def cond_cat(c_list):
c_crossattn = []
c_concat = []
c_adm = []
crossattn_max_len = 0
temp = {}
for x in c_list:
for k in x:
cur = temp.get(k, [])
temp[k] = cur
out = {}
for k in temp:
conds = temp[k]
out[k] = conds[0].concat(conds[1:])
return out
def calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond, x_in, timestep, model_options):
out_cond = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
out_count = torch.ones_like(x_in) * 1e-37
out_uncond = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
out_uncond_count = torch.ones_like(x_in) * 1e-37
COND = 0
to_run = []
for x in cond:
p = get_area_and_mult(x, x_in, timestep)
if p is None:
to_run += [(p, COND)]
if uncond is not None:
for x in uncond:
p = get_area_and_mult(x, x_in, timestep)
if p is None:
to_run += [(p, UNCOND)]
while len(to_run) > 0:
first = to_run[0]
first_shape = first[0][0].shape
to_batch_temp = []
for x in range(len(to_run)):
if can_concat_cond(to_run[x][0], first[0]):
to_batch_temp += [x]
to_batch = to_batch_temp[:1]
free_memory = model_management.get_free_memory(x_in.device)
for i in range(1, len(to_batch_temp) + 1):
batch_amount = to_batch_temp[:len(to_batch_temp)//i]
input_shape = [len(batch_amount) * first_shape[0]] + list(first_shape)[1:]
if model.memory_required(input_shape) < free_memory:
to_batch = batch_amount
input_x = []
mult = []
c = []
cond_or_uncond = []
area = []
control = None
patches = None
for x in to_batch:
o = to_run.pop(x)
p = o[0]
input_x += [p[0]]
mult += [p[1]]
c += [p[2]]
area += [p[3]]
cond_or_uncond += [o[1]]
control = p[4]
patches = p[5]
batch_chunks = len(cond_or_uncond)
input_x =
c = cond_cat(c)
timestep_ =[timestep] * batch_chunks)
if control is not None:
c['control'] = control.get_control(input_x, timestep_, c, len(cond_or_uncond))
transformer_options = {}
if 'transformer_options' in model_options:
transformer_options = model_options['transformer_options'].copy()
if patches is not None:
if "patches" in transformer_options:
cur_patches = transformer_options["patches"].copy()
for p in patches:
if p in cur_patches:
cur_patches[p] = cur_patches[p] + patches[p]
cur_patches[p] = patches[p]
transformer_options["patches"] = patches
transformer_options["cond_or_uncond"] = cond_or_uncond[:]
transformer_options["sigmas"] = timestep
c['transformer_options'] = transformer_options
if 'model_function_wrapper' in model_options:
output = model_options['model_function_wrapper'](model.apply_model, {"input": input_x, "timestep": timestep_, "c": c, "cond_or_uncond": cond_or_uncond}).chunk(batch_chunks)
output = model.apply_model(input_x, timestep_, **c).chunk(batch_chunks)
del input_x
for o in range(batch_chunks):
if cond_or_uncond[o] == COND:
out_cond[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += output[o] * mult[o]
out_count[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += mult[o]
out_uncond[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += output[o] * mult[o]
out_uncond_count[:,:,area[o][2]:area[o][0] + area[o][2],area[o][3]:area[o][1] + area[o][3]] += mult[o]
del mult
out_cond /= out_count
del out_count
out_uncond /= out_uncond_count
del out_uncond_count
return out_cond, out_uncond
if math.isclose(cond_scale, 1.0):
uncond = None
cond, uncond = calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond, x, timestep, model_options)
if "sampler_cfg_function" in model_options:
args = {"cond": x - cond, "uncond": x - uncond, "cond_scale": cond_scale, "timestep": timestep, "input": x, "sigma": timestep}
return x - model_options["sampler_cfg_function"](args)
return uncond + (cond - uncond) * cond_scale
class CFGNoisePredictor(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
self.inner_model = model
def apply_model(self, x, timestep, cond, uncond, cond_scale, model_options={}, seed=None):
out = sampling_function(self.inner_model, x, timestep, uncond, cond, cond_scale, model_options=model_options, seed=seed)
return out
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.apply_model(*args, **kwargs)
class KSamplerX0Inpaint(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
self.inner_model = model
def forward(self, x, sigma, uncond, cond, cond_scale, denoise_mask, model_options={}, seed=None):
if denoise_mask is not None:
latent_mask = 1. - denoise_mask
x = x * denoise_mask + (self.latent_image + self.noise * sigma.reshape([sigma.shape[0]] + [1] * (len(self.noise.shape) - 1))) * latent_mask
out = self.inner_model(x, sigma, cond=cond, uncond=uncond, cond_scale=cond_scale, model_options=model_options, seed=seed)
if denoise_mask is not None:
out *= denoise_mask
if denoise_mask is not None:
out += self.latent_image * latent_mask
return out
def simple_scheduler(model, steps):
s = model.model_sampling
sigs = []
ss = len(s.sigmas) / steps
for x in range(steps):
sigs += [float(s.sigmas[-(1 + int(x * ss))])]
sigs += [0.0]
return torch.FloatTensor(sigs)
def ddim_scheduler(model, steps):
s = model.model_sampling
sigs = []
ss = len(s.sigmas) // steps
x = 1
while x < len(s.sigmas):
sigs += [float(s.sigmas[x])]
x += ss
sigs = sigs[::-1]
sigs += [0.0]
return torch.FloatTensor(sigs)
def normal_scheduler(model, steps, sgm=False, floor=False):
s = model.model_sampling
start = s.timestep(s.sigma_max)
end = s.timestep(s.sigma_min)
if sgm:
timesteps = torch.linspace(start, end, steps + 1)[:-1]
timesteps = torch.linspace(start, end, steps)
sigs = []
for x in range(len(timesteps)):
ts = timesteps[x]
sigs += [0.0]
return torch.FloatTensor(sigs)
def get_mask_aabb(masks):
if masks.numel() == 0:
return torch.zeros((0, 4), device=masks.device,
b = masks.shape[0]
bounding_boxes = torch.zeros((b, 4), device=masks.device,
is_empty = torch.zeros((b), device=masks.device, dtype=torch.bool)
for i in range(b):
mask = masks[i]
if mask.numel() == 0:
if torch.max(mask != 0) == False:
is_empty[i] = True
y, x = torch.where(mask)
bounding_boxes[i, 0] = torch.min(x)
bounding_boxes[i, 1] = torch.min(y)
bounding_boxes[i, 2] = torch.max(x)
bounding_boxes[i, 3] = torch.max(y)
return bounding_boxes, is_empty
def resolve_areas_and_cond_masks(conditions, h, w, device):
# We need to decide on an area outside the sampling loop in order to properly generate opposite areas of equal sizes.
# While we're doing this, we can also resolve the mask device and scaling for performance reasons
for i in range(len(conditions)):
c = conditions[i]
if 'area' in c:
area = c['area']
if area[0] == "percentage":
modified = c.copy()
area = (max(1, round(area[1] * h)), max(1, round(area[2] * w)), round(area[3] * h), round(area[4] * w))
modified['area'] = area
c = modified
conditions[i] = c
if 'mask' in c:
mask = c['mask']
mask =
modified = c.copy()
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0)
if mask.shape[1] != h or mask.shape[2] != w:
mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(1), size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze(1)
if modified.get("set_area_to_bounds", False):
bounds = torch.max(torch.abs(mask),dim=0).values.unsqueeze(0)
boxes, is_empty = get_mask_aabb(bounds)
if is_empty[0]:
# Use the minimum possible size for efficiency reasons. (Since the mask is all-0, this becomes a noop anyway)
modified['area'] = (8, 8, 0, 0)
box = boxes[0]
H, W, Y, X = (box[3] - box[1] + 1, box[2] - box[0] + 1, box[1], box[0])
H = max(8, H)
W = max(8, W)
area = (int(H), int(W), int(Y), int(X))
modified['area'] = area
modified['mask'] = mask
conditions[i] = modified
def create_cond_with_same_area_if_none(conds, c):
if 'area' not in c:
c_area = c['area']
smallest = None
for x in conds:
if 'area' in x:
a = x['area']
if c_area[2] >= a[2] and c_area[3] >= a[3]:
if a[0] + a[2] >= c_area[0] + c_area[2]:
if a[1] + a[3] >= c_area[1] + c_area[3]:
if smallest is None:
smallest = x
elif 'area' not in smallest:
smallest = x
if smallest['area'][0] * smallest['area'][1] > a[0] * a[1]:
smallest = x
if smallest is None:
smallest = x
if smallest is None:
if 'area' in smallest:
if smallest['area'] == c_area:
out = c.copy()
out['model_conds'] = smallest['model_conds'].copy() #TODO: which fields should be copied?
conds += [out]
def calculate_start_end_timesteps(model, conds):
s = model.model_sampling
for t in range(len(conds)):
x = conds[t]
timestep_start = None
timestep_end = None
if 'start_percent' in x:
timestep_start = s.percent_to_sigma(x['start_percent'])
if 'end_percent' in x:
timestep_end = s.percent_to_sigma(x['end_percent'])
if (timestep_start is not None) or (timestep_end is not None):
n = x.copy()
if (timestep_start is not None):
n['timestep_start'] = timestep_start
if (timestep_end is not None):
n['timestep_end'] = timestep_end
conds[t] = n
def pre_run_control(model, conds):
s = model.model_sampling
for t in range(len(conds)):
x = conds[t]
timestep_start = None
timestep_end = None
percent_to_timestep_function = lambda a: s.percent_to_sigma(a)
if 'control' in x:
x['control'].pre_run(model, percent_to_timestep_function)
def apply_empty_x_to_equal_area(conds, uncond, name, uncond_fill_func):
cond_cnets = []
cond_other = []
uncond_cnets = []
uncond_other = []
for t in range(len(conds)):
x = conds[t]
if 'area' not in x:
if name in x and x[name] is not None:
cond_other.append((x, t))
for t in range(len(uncond)):
x = uncond[t]
if 'area' not in x:
if name in x and x[name] is not None:
uncond_other.append((x, t))
if len(uncond_cnets) > 0:
for x in range(len(cond_cnets)):
temp = uncond_other[x % len(uncond_other)]
o = temp[0]
if name in o and o[name] is not None:
n = o.copy()
n[name] = uncond_fill_func(cond_cnets, x)
uncond += [n]
n = o.copy()
n[name] = uncond_fill_func(cond_cnets, x)
uncond[temp[1]] = n
def encode_model_conds(model_function, conds, noise, device, prompt_type, **kwargs):
for t in range(len(conds)):
x = conds[t]
params = x.copy()
params["device"] = device
params["noise"] = noise
params["width"] = params.get("width", noise.shape[3] * 8)
params["height"] = params.get("height", noise.shape[2] * 8)
params["prompt_type"] = params.get("prompt_type", prompt_type)
for k in kwargs:
if k not in params:
params[k] = kwargs[k]
out = model_function(**params)
x = x.copy()
model_conds = x['model_conds'].copy()
for k in out:
model_conds[k] = out[k]
x['model_conds'] = model_conds
conds[t] = x
return conds
class Sampler:
def sample(self):
def max_denoise(self, model_wrap, sigmas):
max_sigma = float(model_wrap.inner_model.model_sampling.sigma_max)
sigma = float(sigmas[0])
return math.isclose(max_sigma, sigma, rel_tol=1e-05) or sigma > max_sigma
class UNIPC(Sampler):
def sample(self, model_wrap, sigmas, extra_args, callback, noise, latent_image=None, denoise_mask=None, disable_pbar=False):
return uni_pc.sample_unipc(model_wrap, noise, latent_image, sigmas, max_denoise=self.max_denoise(model_wrap, sigmas), extra_args=extra_args, noise_mask=denoise_mask, callback=callback, disable=disable_pbar)
class UNIPCBH2(Sampler):
def sample(self, model_wrap, sigmas, extra_args, callback, noise, latent_image=None, denoise_mask=None, disable_pbar=False):
return uni_pc.sample_unipc(model_wrap, noise, latent_image, sigmas, max_denoise=self.max_denoise(model_wrap, sigmas), extra_args=extra_args, noise_mask=denoise_mask, callback=callback, variant='bh2', disable=disable_pbar)
KSAMPLER_NAMES = ["euler", "euler_ancestral", "heun", "heunpp2","dpm_2", "dpm_2_ancestral",
"lms", "dpm_fast", "dpm_adaptive", "dpmpp_2s_ancestral", "dpmpp_sde", "dpmpp_sde_gpu",
"dpmpp_2m", "dpmpp_2m_sde", "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_3m_sde", "dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu", "ddpm", "lcm"]
class KSAMPLER(Sampler):
def __init__(self, sampler_function, extra_options={}, inpaint_options={}):
self.sampler_function = sampler_function
self.extra_options = extra_options
self.inpaint_options = inpaint_options
def sample(self, model_wrap, sigmas, extra_args, callback, noise, latent_image=None, denoise_mask=None, disable_pbar=False):
extra_args["denoise_mask"] = denoise_mask
model_k = KSamplerX0Inpaint(model_wrap)
model_k.latent_image = latent_image
if self.inpaint_options.get("random", False): #TODO: Should this be the default?
generator = torch.manual_seed(extra_args.get("seed", 41) + 1)
model_k.noise = torch.randn(noise.shape, generator=generator, device="cpu").to(noise.dtype).to(noise.device)
model_k.noise = noise
if self.max_denoise(model_wrap, sigmas):
noise = noise * torch.sqrt(1.0 + sigmas[0] ** 2.0)
noise = noise * sigmas[0]
k_callback = None
total_steps = len(sigmas) - 1
if callback is not None:
k_callback = lambda x: callback(x["i"], x["denoised"], x["x"], total_steps)
if latent_image is not None:
noise += latent_image
samples = self.sampler_function(model_k, noise, sigmas, extra_args=extra_args, callback=k_callback, disable=disable_pbar, **self.extra_options)
return samples
def ksampler(sampler_name, extra_options={}, inpaint_options={}):
if sampler_name == "dpm_fast":
def dpm_fast_function(model, noise, sigmas, extra_args, callback, disable):
sigma_min = sigmas[-1]
if sigma_min == 0:
sigma_min = sigmas[-2]
total_steps = len(sigmas) - 1
return k_diffusion_sampling.sample_dpm_fast(model, noise, sigma_min, sigmas[0], total_steps, extra_args=extra_args, callback=callback, disable=disable)
sampler_function = dpm_fast_function
elif sampler_name == "dpm_adaptive":
def dpm_adaptive_function(model, noise, sigmas, extra_args, callback, disable):
sigma_min = sigmas[-1]
if sigma_min == 0:
sigma_min = sigmas[-2]
return k_diffusion_sampling.sample_dpm_adaptive(model, noise, sigma_min, sigmas[0], extra_args=extra_args, callback=callback, disable=disable)
sampler_function = dpm_adaptive_function
sampler_function = getattr(k_diffusion_sampling, "sample_{}".format(sampler_name))
return KSAMPLER(sampler_function, extra_options, inpaint_options)
def wrap_model(model):
model_denoise = CFGNoisePredictor(model)
return model_denoise
def sample(model, noise, positive, negative, cfg, device, sampler, sigmas, model_options={}, latent_image=None, denoise_mask=None, callback=None, disable_pbar=False, seed=None):
positive = positive[:]
negative = negative[:]
resolve_areas_and_cond_masks(positive, noise.shape[2], noise.shape[3], device)
resolve_areas_and_cond_masks(negative, noise.shape[2], noise.shape[3], device)
model_wrap = wrap_model(model)
calculate_start_end_timesteps(model, negative)
calculate_start_end_timesteps(model, positive)
#make sure each cond area has an opposite one with the same area
for c in positive:
create_cond_with_same_area_if_none(negative, c)
for c in negative:
create_cond_with_same_area_if_none(positive, c)
pre_run_control(model, negative + positive)
apply_empty_x_to_equal_area(list(filter(lambda c: c.get('control_apply_to_uncond', False) == True, positive)), negative, 'control', lambda cond_cnets, x: cond_cnets[x])
apply_empty_x_to_equal_area(positive, negative, 'gligen', lambda cond_cnets, x: cond_cnets[x])
if latent_image is not None:
latent_image = model.process_latent_in(latent_image)
if hasattr(model, 'extra_conds'):
positive = encode_model_conds(model.extra_conds, positive, noise, device, "positive", latent_image=latent_image, denoise_mask=denoise_mask)
negative = encode_model_conds(model.extra_conds, negative, noise, device, "negative", latent_image=latent_image, denoise_mask=denoise_mask)
extra_args = {"cond":positive, "uncond":negative, "cond_scale": cfg, "model_options": model_options, "seed":seed}
samples = sampler.sample(model_wrap, sigmas, extra_args, callback, noise, latent_image, denoise_mask, disable_pbar)
return model.process_latent_out(
SCHEDULER_NAMES = ["normal", "karras", "exponential", "sgm_uniform", "simple", "ddim_uniform"]
SAMPLER_NAMES = KSAMPLER_NAMES + ["ddim", "uni_pc", "uni_pc_bh2"]
def calculate_sigmas_scheduler(model, scheduler_name, steps):
if scheduler_name == "karras":
sigmas = k_diffusion_sampling.get_sigmas_karras(n=steps, sigma_min=float(model.model_sampling.sigma_min), sigma_max=float(model.model_sampling.sigma_max))
elif scheduler_name == "exponential":
sigmas = k_diffusion_sampling.get_sigmas_exponential(n=steps, sigma_min=float(model.model_sampling.sigma_min), sigma_max=float(model.model_sampling.sigma_max))
elif scheduler_name == "normal":
sigmas = normal_scheduler(model, steps)
elif scheduler_name == "simple":
sigmas = simple_scheduler(model, steps)
elif scheduler_name == "ddim_uniform":
sigmas = ddim_scheduler(model, steps)
elif scheduler_name == "sgm_uniform":
sigmas = normal_scheduler(model, steps, sgm=True)
print("error invalid scheduler", self.scheduler)
return sigmas
def sampler_object(name):
if name == "uni_pc":
sampler = UNIPC()
elif name == "uni_pc_bh2":
sampler = UNIPCBH2()
elif name == "ddim":
sampler = ksampler("euler", inpaint_options={"random": True})
sampler = ksampler(name)
return sampler
class KSampler:
def __init__(self, model, steps, device, sampler=None, scheduler=None, denoise=None, model_options={}):
self.model = model
self.device = device
if scheduler not in self.SCHEDULERS:
scheduler = self.SCHEDULERS[0]
if sampler not in self.SAMPLERS:
sampler = self.SAMPLERS[0]
self.scheduler = scheduler
self.sampler = sampler
self.set_steps(steps, denoise)
self.denoise = denoise
self.model_options = model_options
def calculate_sigmas(self, steps):
sigmas = None
discard_penultimate_sigma = False
if self.sampler in ['dpm_2', 'dpm_2_ancestral', 'uni_pc', 'uni_pc_bh2']:
steps += 1
discard_penultimate_sigma = True
sigmas = calculate_sigmas_scheduler(self.model, self.scheduler, steps)
if discard_penultimate_sigma:
sigmas =[sigmas[:-2], sigmas[-1:]])
return sigmas
def set_steps(self, steps, denoise=None):
self.steps = steps
if denoise is None or denoise > 0.9999:
self.sigmas = self.calculate_sigmas(steps).to(self.device)
new_steps = int(steps/denoise)
sigmas = self.calculate_sigmas(new_steps).to(self.device)
self.sigmas = sigmas[-(steps + 1):]
def sample(self, noise, positive, negative, cfg, latent_image=None, start_step=None, last_step=None, force_full_denoise=False, denoise_mask=None, sigmas=None, callback=None, disable_pbar=False, seed=None):
if sigmas is None:
sigmas = self.sigmas
if last_step is not None and last_step < (len(sigmas) - 1):
sigmas = sigmas[:last_step + 1]
if force_full_denoise:
sigmas[-1] = 0
if start_step is not None:
if start_step < (len(sigmas) - 1):
sigmas = sigmas[start_step:]
if latent_image is not None:
return latent_image
return torch.zeros_like(noise)
sampler = sampler_object(self.sampler)
return sample(self.model, noise, positive, negative, cfg, self.device, sampler, sigmas, self.model_options, latent_image=latent_image, denoise_mask=denoise_mask, callback=callback, disable_pbar=disable_pbar, seed=seed)