Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../helpers/pester-extensions.psm1") BeforeAll { function Get-UseNodeLogs { # Set the correct path for your self-hosted runner $logsFolderPath = "/home/runner/runners" if (-not (Test-Path $logsFolderPath)) { Write-Host "Directory '$logsFolderPath' does not exist." return $null } $useNodeLogFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $logsFolderPath | Where-Object { $logContent = Get-Content $_.Fullname -Raw return $logContent -match "setup-node@v" } | Select-Object -First 1 return $useNodeLogFile.Fullname } } Describe "Node.js" { It "is available" { "node --version" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode } It "version is correct" { $versionOutput = Invoke-Expression "node --version" $versionOutput | Should -Match $env:VERSION } It "is used from tool-cache" { $nodePath = (Get-Command "node").Path $nodePath | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty # GitHub Windows images don't have `AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY` variable $toolcacheDir = $env:AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY ?? $env:RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE $expectedPath = Join-Path -Path $toolcacheDir -ChildPath "node" $nodePath.startsWith($expectedPath) | Should -BeTrue -Because "'$nodePath' is not started with '$expectedPath'" } It "cached version is used without downloading" { $useNodeLogFile = Get-UseNodeLogs if ($useNodeLogFile -eq $null) { Skip "Log file does not exist" } else { $useNodeLogFile | Should -Exist $useNodeLogContent = Get-Content $useNodeLogFile -Raw $useNodeLogContent | Should -Match "Found in cache" } } It "Run simple code" { "node ./simple-test.js" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode } }