using module "./win-node-builder.psm1" using module "./nix-node-builder.psm1" <# .SYNOPSIS Generate Node.js artifact. .DESCRIPTION Main script that creates instance of NodeBuilder and builds of Node.js using specified parameters. .PARAMETER Version Required parameter. The version with which Node.js will be built. .PARAMETER Architecture Optional parameter. The architecture with which Node.js will be built. Using x64 by default. .PARAMETER Platform Required parameter. The platform for which Node.js will be built. #> param( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][Version] $Version, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][string] $Platform, [string] $Architecture = "x64" ) Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../helpers" | Join-Path -ChildPath "nix-helpers.psm1") -DisableNameChecking Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../helpers" | Join-Path -ChildPath "win-helpers.psm1") -DisableNameChecking function Get-NodeBuilder { <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper for class constructor to simplify importing NodeBuilder. .DESCRIPTION Create instance of NodeBuilder with specified parameters. .PARAMETER Version The version with which Node.js will be built. .PARAMETER Platform The platform for which Node.js will be built. .PARAMETER Architecture The architecture with which Node.js will be built. #> param ( [version] $Version, [string] $Architecture, [string] $Platform ) $Platform = $Platform.ToLower() if ($Platform -match 'win32') { $builder = [WinNodeBuilder]::New($Version, $Platform, $Architecture) } elseif (($Platform -match 'linux') -or ($Platform -match 'darwin')) { $builder = [NixNodeBuilder]::New($Version, $Platform, $Architecture) } else { Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue type=error;] Invalid platform: $Platform" exit 1 } return $builder } ### Create Node.js builder instance, and build artifact $Builder = Get-NodeBuilder -Version $Version -Platform $Platform -Architecture $Architecture $Builder.Build()